Page 56 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 56


            The EAA Administration

            ක˕                                           Expenditure
            ࡰʈϓ͉ၾ፬ʮ܃ʿ޴ᗫක˕މՇɽ˴ࠅ˕̈dʱ                       Staff costs and office premises & related expenses were two major
            йЦᐼක˕65.5%ʿ14.4%f˴ࠅ˕̈ᄣ̋ٙධͦ                   expenditure items, accounting for about 65.5% and 14.4% of our
            މࡰʈϓ͉eϽ༊؂ਕ൬͜e܁ෂʿᄿѓe੃৅ݺ                       total expenditures respectively. Expenditure items that saw major
            ਗක˕d˸ʿኜҿၪࡌڭቮʿஷৃ൬͜dϾ˴ࠅ˕                       increases in dollar amount were staff costs, service fees for
            ̈ಯˇٙධͦۆމұᔚeʮ଺઺ԃ˕̈d˸ʿ፬ʮ                       examinations, publicity and advertising, training activity expenses,
            ܃ʿ޴ᗫක˕f                                      and equipment maintenance and communication expenses.
                                                         Expenditure items that saw major decreases were depreciation,
                                                         community education expenses, and office accommodation and
                                                         related expenses.

                       20%                        18%                        17%
                       14%                        15%                        15%

                               2017/18                    2016/17                    2015/16

                       66%                        67%                        68%

                                                            ࡰʈϓ͉ Staff costs  ፬ʮ܃ʿ޴ᗫක˕  Չ˼ Others
                                                                          Office premises and
                                                                          related expenses

            ᒅໄ፬ʮ܃                                        Acquisition of office premises
            ࿚Ї2018ϋ3˜31˚d္၍҅މəίࣵᝄᒅໄอ፬                    As at 31 March 2018, the deposit and stamp duty of $13 million
            ʮ܃ஹՇࡈԓЗ€˜༈يุ™dΥ΍˕˹ࠈږʿΙڀ                     was paid for the acquisition of new office premises with two car
            ೼΍1,300ຬʩd˸࢙ॶ௅΅္၍҅ࡰʈdϾՉ˼ࡰ                    parking spaces (“the Property”) in Chai Wan to accommodate some
            ʈۆवίࡡϞٙᝄ˺ॡ༣፬ʮ܃dШ፬ʮ܃ٙࠦጐ                       of the EAA’s staff while the rest would remain in the existing rental
            ึ޴Ꮠಯˇf׵2018ϋ3˜31˚ৌ݁ϋܓҁഐܝd                    office at Wanchai with reduced floor area. Subsequent to the
            ˸7,000ຬʩᒅɝ༈يุٙʹ׸ʊ׵2018ϋ4˜12                  financial year ended 31 March 2018, the purchase transaction of
            ˚ҁϓf                                         the Property at $70 million was completed on 12 April 2018.

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