Page 51 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 51

္၍҅Б݁௅ژ The EAA Administration

            ࡰʈʿᑚཇ                                        Staffing and remuneration

            ࡰʈ                                           Staffing
            ္၍҅͟Б݁ᐼ൒ჯኬdՉᔖঐܼ̍၍ଣ္၍҅ԫ                       The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) is led by the Chief Executive
            ਕd˸ʿ္࿀ʿ஝၍ุޢ፭ςήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘f࿚                      Officer (“CEO”) who is responsible for managing the business of
            Ї2018ϋ3˜31˚d္၍҅ᔖࡰᇜՓ΍Ϟ99Τࡰ                    the EAA, and monitoring and supervising compliance with the
            ʈfಞश྇ࡰЦᐼ྇ࡰᅰͦ1%d2017/18ϋܓٙࡰ                   Estate Agents Ordinance. As at 31 March 2018, the staff
            ʈݴ̰ଟމ11%f                                    establishment was 99. The percentage of employees with disabilities
                                                         was 1%. The staff turnover rate for 2017/18 was 11%.

            ᑚཇ                                           Remuneration
            ္၍֛҅ಂᏨীՉᑚཇ݁ഄd˸ᆽڭᑚཇ၅лၾ̹                       The EAA regularly reviews its remuneration policy and practices to
            ఙᒈැɓߧdၪܵɓ֛ٙᘩنɢ˸іˏʿवИɛ                        ensure that its remuneration packages are in line with the market
            ʑf͉҅։ৄəዹͭᚥਪʮ̡ίϋʫආБᑚཇ˥̻                       trends, so as to maintain competitiveness in attracting and retaining
            ʿᑚཇᒈැሜݟfʈ༟ᇍఖʊ࣬ኽ̹ఙ˥̻ආБሜ                       talent. An independent consultant was commissioned to conduct a
            ዆f2018ϋܓܲڌତٙᑚږሜ዆Փܓ͵ਞϽəᚥਪ                     pay level and pay trend survey during the year. The pay ranges were
            ʮ̡ٙܔᙄϾᔾࠈf                                    revised in line with the market and the 2018 annual performance-
                                                         linked pay adjustment also drew reference from the
                                                         recommendations of the consultant.

            Remuneration of CEO and Directors during the year
            ͉ϋܓ˕˹ʚБ݁ᐼ൒ձᐼ္ ٙᑚཇ νɨj
            The total remuneration  of the CEO and directors during the year was as follows:
                                                                                            Number of
             Э׵1,000,000ʩ                       below $1,000,000                                 2

             1,500,001–2,000,000ʩ               $1,500,001 to $2,000,000                         1
             3,500,001–4,000,000ʩ               $3,500,001 to $4,000,000                         1

             ᐼᅰ                                 Total                                            4

            1    ዆ࢁᑚཇ၅лܼ̍ϋʫ˕˹ٙᑚږeߒတཇږʿܲڌତሜ               1    Total remuneration includes salary, contract-end gratuity and performance-
                 ዆ٙᑚږ€νቇ͜f                                  linked pay, if applicable, paid during the year.
            2    ՉʕՇЗତ΂ᐼ္׵ϋʫ΂ᔖˇ׵ʬࡈ˜f                     2    Two of the current directors had taken up the positions for less than six months
                                                             during the year.

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