Page 61 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 61

ݺਗΫᚥ Events and Activities

                  7/2017                                           8/2017

               ટܙجܛ઺ԃਿږ˾ڌྠ                                       ᑘ፬ᕚމ˜ੂุஷѓ ķ ڢИσيุٙ൯ርאॡ༣™
               Delegation from Legal Education Fund received
                                                                 CPD seminar on “Practice Circular — Sale and Purchase
                                                                 or Leasing of Non-residential Properties” held

               ɨ̒ϋٙʈЪࠠᓃ                                            9/2017
               The EAA met the press to review its work in the first   ᑘ፬ᕚމ˜ҳ༟ڢИσgʹ׸ਪၾഈ™ʮකᑺࢭ
               half of 2017 and introduced its initiatives for the
                                                                 Public Seminar on “Be Smart in Non-residential
               second half
                                                                 Property Transactions” held


               Ϟᗫ˜ڢИσيุٙ൯ርאॡ༣™ٙੂุஷѓ€ᇜ໮                                                         ္၍҅ՇΤࡰ
               17–02(CR)͛ࣖ                                                                    ʈᐏ཯೯˜͡
               Practice Circular (No.17-02(CR)) on “Sale and
               Purchase or Leasing of Non-residential Properties”
               became effective                                                                Two EAA staff
                                                                                               awarded The
               ္၍҅ࡌࠈܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌ                                                                   Award

               An overhaul of the EAA’s CPD Scheme conducted

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      59
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