Page 58 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 58


            The EAA Administration

            ᐑྤ                                           Environment
            ္၍҅ߧɢϓމɓࡈᐑڭዚ࿴dԨΣࡰʈપᄿᐑڭ                       The EAA strives to operate as an environmentally friendly
            ଣׂfҢࡁમॶəεධၠЍ፬ʮ܃ણ݄dܼ̍౤Զ                       organisation and promotes the same to its staff. Green office
            ਖ਼ژϗණఊࠦΙՏॷੵ˸ЪࠠልԴٙ͜ϖᆵeΫϗ                       measures adopted include provision of designated trays to collect
            ॷੵʿ၁४ଷd˸ʿԴ͜ୌΥᐑڭࡡۆٙΙՏॷੵ                       one-side printed paper for reuse; recycling of paper and toner
            ഃf                                           cartridges; and use of environmentally friendly printing paper, etc.

            ϋʫd္၍҅͵ਞၾʔˇᐑڭݺਗdԷ혜Ⴠgۨ                     The EAA also participated in several environmental initiatives during
            ɪफ˚™e˜࠰ಥೌиंց™ʿ˜ήଢɓʃࣛ™ഃf                      the year, e.g. Biz-green Dress Day, Hong Kong No Air Con Night
                                                         and Earth Hour.

                                                                                   ׵ϋʫਞၾʔˇᐑڭݺਗd Է ν
                                                                                   The EAA strives to promote
                                                                                   environmentally friendly ideas to its
                                                                                   staff and participated in several
                                                                                   environmental initiatives during the
                                                                                   year, e.g. Biz-green Dress Day.

            ༟ৃ߅Ҧ                                         Information Technology

            Іਗʷʿᅰᇁʷ                                      Automation and digitisation
            І္၍҅׵2015ϋϋֵˏɝཥɿ͡ሗ؂ਕܝdࡈɛ                     Individual licensees could choose to renew their licenses online after
            ೐๫ܵϞɛ̙׵ၣɪ჈ʹ೐๫ᚃಂ͡ሗfϤܝdஈ                       the introduction of e-application in late 2015. Since then, the
            ଣᚃ೐͡ሗٙʈЪݴ೻੻Ցҷഛd޴ˢৎᔚϞࣣٙ                       workflows for handling renewal applications have been improved
            ࠦ͡ሗ೻ҏd͉҅ତ̙ࣛτર༰ˇɛ˓̘ஈଣ͡                        and consequently certain applications could be processed with less
            ሗfϤ̮dҢࡁආБəอٙ೐๫͡ሗڌࣸધ౜΋ኬ                       manpower resources compared to the paper-based ones. Besides,
            ࠇྌd˸ҁഛ˖΁Ꮇπʿπ՟া፽f                             we have also started scanning new licence application forms as a
                                                         pilot scheme for better storage and retrieval of records.

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