Page 53 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 53

္၍҅Б݁௅ژ The EAA Administration

            ๖ஷ                                           Communication
            ္၍҅ீཀʔΝಬ༸Ը̋੶ࡰʈʘගٙ๖ஷdܼ̍                       The EAA reinforces communication among staff through different
            ֛ಂᑘБ၍ଣᄴึᙄʿ௅ژึᙄdዑΣᆽڭ΢ࡈ௅                       channels, including regular meetings among management staff and
            ژٙீ׼ܓʿ࿁־ϤʈЪٙʝ޴ଣ༆dΝٜࣛۧΣ                       sectional meetings, horizontally to ensure transparency and
            ᆽڭ္၍҅˙০ঐෂ༺Ї΢ᔖॴٙࡰʈf৷ॴ၍ଣ                       understanding of the work of different sections and vertically to
            ᄴ͵ึீཀ֛ಂٙ๖ஷݺਗ€νБ݁ᐼ൒ࢭሔึʿ௅                      convey direction to different rankings of staff. The senior
            ژᔊజึટᙃࡰʈdʱԮ၍ଣᄴί΢၇ԫධɪٙ௰                      management further regularly reaches out to staff through various
            อৃࢹʿ݁ഄ˙০dԷν္၍҅ٙዚ࿴ࠇྌeᑚཇ                       communication sessions, such as the CEO’s Forum and sectional
            ሜ዆Փܓʿݖ࿴ᜊʷഃdԨ౤Զዚึᜫࡰʈ೯ڌจ                       briefing sessions to share the latest message and direction from the
            Ԉf                                           senior management on matters such as the EAA’s corporate plan,
                                                         the pay adjustment mechanism, and organisational changes, as well
                                                         as to provide a platform for staff to share their views.

            ̤̮d္၍҅͵τરࡰʈਞ̋ၾՉᔖॴ޴Ꮠٙ։ࡰ                       In addition, the EAA has formed a staff committee with members
            ፯ᑘd੽Ͼί΢ᔖॴʕ፯̈͟ࡰʈଡ଼ϓٙࡰʈ։ࡰ                       comprised of each rank of staff through elections among the
            ึfʦϋ္၍҅͵Ҫึᙄ੽ӊ̒ϋᑘБɓϣҷމӊ                       respective rank of staff. This year the EAA strengthened staff
            ֙ɓϣd˸̋੶ࡰʈٙ๖ஷf                                communication through increasing the frequency of meetings from
                                                         semi-annually to quarterly.

            މ੃ቮྠඟၚग़d္၍҅׵ϋʫᑘБə߰ʍࡰʈၳ                       To foster team spirit, informal gatherings such as staff outings and
            ึdνࡰʈࣚБʿϋܓ໋ሖݼ࿁ഃf                             an annual Christmas party were arranged during the year.

            ቇு္၍҅ϓͭ20඄ϋd͉҅तจᑘ፬˜္၍҅20                     To share the joy of the EAA’s 20  anniversary with our staff, the
            ඄ϋɹ໮ணࠇˢᒄ™ԨོᎸࡰʈਞၾdɓΝᅅज़வ                       EAA organised a staff activity on “EAA 20  Anniversary Slogan
            ࡈࠠࠅٙ˚ɿf௷̈ٙɹ໮һϓމ͉҅20඄ϋٙ֜                      Design Competition” for our staff to participate in the celebration.
            ˙܁ෂҿࣘf                                       The winning slogan was officially used for the 20  anniversary
                                                         promotional materials.

                                                                                      The EAA arranged informal staff
                                                                                      gatherings during the year, an
                                                                                      annual Christmas party was held
                                                                                      to foster team spirit.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      51
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