Page 59 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 59

္၍҅Б݁௅ژ The EAA Administration

            ၝΥ၍ଣ༟ৃӻ୕                                     Integrated management information system
            ၝΥ၍ଣ༟ৃӻ୕္݊၍҅ٙࣨː዁Ъӻ୕dІ                        The integrated management information system (“IMIS”) which is
            2015ϋϋֵҳɝ༶Ъ˸Ըdɓٜ༶ЪԄλfϤӻ୕                     the core operation system of the EAA has operated smoothly since
            ᆽڭ္၍҅ঐһϞࣖҞઠήί΢ࡈ௅ژʘගஈଣʿ                       its launch in late 2015. The system ensures the processing and
            ʱԮ༟ৃf̤̮dϤӻ୕ʫໄʔΝ᜕ᗇᏨݟᓃdঐ                       sharing of information among different sections of the EAA
            ᆽڭ༟ࣘϗණٙɓߧ׌ձॆᆽ׌f                              effectively and efficiently. Moreover, with different validation
                                                         checkpoints built-in, the system could also assure the consistency
                                                         and integrity of the data captured in the system.

            ၣഖτΌ                                         Cyber security
            ᎇ䋠ၣഖҸᏘձ༟ࣘރဍࠬᎈ̋ᄌd္၍֛҅ಂᏨ                       With the ever increasing threat of cyber-attacks and data leakage,
            ীՉڭτ̨̻ձਞᅰdᆽڭϞᗫણ݄ୌΥุޢٙᅺ                       the EAA has constantly reviewed its security platform and
            ๟d˸ʿމ௰อو͉f                                   parameters to ensure that they are on a par with the industry
                                                         practice and up-to-date.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      57
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