Page 55 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 55

္၍҅Б݁௅ژ The EAA Administration

            ࡰʈᆤධ                                         Staff awards
            ္၍҅ٙɓЗҳൡʿБਗ௅˴΂ʿɓЗ೐๫௅৷ॴ                       An Officer of the Complaints and Enforcement Section and a Senior
            ˖ࡰᐏ፯މ˜2017͡ൡਖ਼ࡰྗ஢ᆤ  —  ʮᔖɛࡰᆤ™                 Clerk of the Licensing Section received “The Ombudsman’s Award
            ੻ᆤ٫d˸ڌ౮˼ࡁί؂ਕɽ଺ձஈଣҳൡʿݟ༔                       2017” for “Officers of Public Organisations” in recognition of their
            ˙ࠦٙਖ਼ุʿጐ฽࿒ܓfவ݊ஹᚃୋɧϋϞ္၍҅                       professional and positive attitude in serving the public and handling
            ࡰʈᐏ཯༈ഃᆤධf                                    complaints and enquiries. This was the third consecutive year that
                                                         EAA staff have received the awards.

            ৌਕΫᚥ                                         Financial Review

            ϗɝʿක˕                                        Income and expenditure
            ္၍҅׵͉ϋܓ፽੻710ຬʩޮቱ€޴ˢ̘ϋޮቱމ                     For the year under review, the EAA reported a surplus of $7.1
            640ຬʩf္၍҅ί͉ϋܓʘᐼϗɝމ8,770ຬʩd                  million (as compared to a surplus of $6.4 million last year). Income
            ༰ɪϋܓᄣ̋420ຬʩא5.0%f္၍҅ϋʫʘᐼක                    for the year under review was $87.7 million, an increase of $4.2
            ˕މ8,060ຬʩd༰ɪϋܓᄣ̋340ຬʩא4.5%f                  million or 5.0% over the previous year. Expenditure for the year
                                                         was $80.6 million, an increase of $3.4 million or 4.5% compared to
                                                         last year.

            ϗɝ                                           Income
            ೐๫൬ϗɝЦᐼϗɝٙ88%d༰ɪϋܓᄣ̋ə180                     Licence fee income, contributing 88% of the total income, was
            ຬʩא2.3%Ї7,730ຬʩfᄣ̋ٙ˴ࠅࡡΪމϋܓ                   $77.3 million, representing an increase of $1.8 million or 2.3% over
            ʫܵ೐ɛᅰɪʺfϤ̮d͟׵జϽϽ༊ٙϽ͛ɛᅰ                       the previous year. The increase was mainly due to a growth in the
            ᄣ̋d̋ɪʫήၾ࠰ಥήପ˾ଣਖ਼ุ༟ࣸʝႩࠇྌ                       number of licensees during the year. Examination fee income was
            ٙୋɚಂϽ༊׵͉ϋܓᑘБdϽ༊൬ϗɝ༰ɪϋܓ                       $8.2 million, representing an increase of $2.0 million or 32.9% over
            ᄣ̋200ຬʩא32.9%Ї820ຬʩf̤Ϊ΢ვБ౤                   the previous year, due to an increase in the number of candidates
            ৷֛ಂπಛࢹଟd˿лࢹϗɝɪʺЇ220ຬʩd༰                      that registered for the examinations and the examination held for
            ɪϋܓᄣ̋30ຬʩא18.6%f                             the second session of the scheme on the mutual recognition of
                                                         professional qualifications between Hong Kong and Mainland
                                                         estate agents in the current year. Interest income was $2.2 million,
                                                         representing an increase of $0.3 million or 18.6% over the previous
                                                         year, due to higher time deposits interest rates offered by banks.

                       3%                        2%                         2%
                       9%                        8%                         8%

                               2017/18                    2016/17                    2015/16

                       88%                       90%                        90%

                                                            ೐๫൬ Licence fees  Ͻ༊൬ Examination fees  лࢹϗɝ Interest income

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      53
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60