
Complying with CPD Conditions - Points to Note

If your licence is attached with a condition or conditions requiring you to obtain, within the specified period or periods, certain specified number of points under the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Scheme administered by the EAA, please note the followings:-

(1)     If you fail to comply with the condition(s), your licence application may be refused, your licence may be suspended or revoked under section 27 of the Estate Agents Ordinance, or you may be disciplined under sections 29 and 30 of the Ordinance (as the case may be).

(2)     Any CPD point obtained to comply with one condition cannot be used for the purpose of complying with another condition.

(3)     In calculating the CPD points acquired for fulfilling a CPD condition attached to your licence, CPD points obtained repeatedly from the same or similar courses within the specified period will also be counted. If a condition requiring you to attend and complete activities under the EAA CPD Scheme “Compliance and Effective Management” category by way of seminars or lectures only, the CPD points acquired from ALL the Webinars/Online Training Classes will NOT be counted as fulfilling the condition(s).

(4)     You are responsible for making arrangement to comply with the condition(s). You are therefore advised to find out what recognized CPD activities, as well as their schedules, are offered by the EAA and other activity providers and to promptly register for the relevant activities.

(5)     Information of CPD activities offered by the EAA and other activity providers are available on the CPD webpage of the EAA website. You may also call the Professional Development Section through the EAA Hotline 2111 2777 (press 2-3 after selecting language) for details.

(6)     For the recorded video sessions organized by the EAA from time to time, the EAA will NOT notify you of the upcoming class schedule individually. You are required to register the recorded video sessions yourself via e-Services or by fax (Fax No.: 2152 3600). No seats will be reserved for you if registration is not made, but priority would be given to you in case of overbooking.

(7)     You are required to keep accurate records of all CPD activities which you have completed (e.g. original attendance certificates) and, upon request, provide them to the EAA for verification. For CPD activities organized by the EAA since October 2013, you may check your attendance records and/or download the relevant attendance/completion certificates via the EAA e-Services platform. You may also contact the Professional Development Section through the EAA Hotline to check your CPD attainment records.


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