Page 90 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 90


            Proactive in Law Enforcement

             2017/18ϋܓ੬Ԉ༼஝ԫධ*                                                                     ܸ၈֚ᅰ
                                                                                                 Number of
             Common Types of Non-compliance in 2017/18*                                          Allegations

             1.   ೯̈ൈ৿אႬኬ׌ᄿѓi͊ᐏር˙ԫ΋ࣣࠦΝจϾ೯̈ᄿѓi೯̈༼ˀር˙ܸͪٙᄿѓ
                  Issuing a false or misleading advertisement; advertising without vendor’s prior written consent;
                  advertising in contravention of vendor’s instruction                               50

             2.   ܵ೐ɛ˸ࡈɛϾڢήପ˾ଣʮ̡ٙԒ΅d೯̈Ϟᗫɓ˓Иσᅽᆵٙᄿѓ
                  Issuing an advertisement concerning a first-hand residential development in the licensee’s personal
                  capacity instead of in the capacity of an estate agency company                    48
             3.   ౤ԶŊ౤̈౤Զ൲ಛʚɓ˓ᅽᆵٙ๟൯࢕
                  Offering/making a loan to a prospective purchaser of a first-hand property         22

             4.   Σ܄˒౤Զ፹Ⴌٙيุאʹ׸༟ࣘi͊Ϟݟࣨ౤Զʚ܄˒ٙيุאʹ׸༟ࣘٙ๟ᆽ׌
                  Providing wrong property or transaction information to clients; failure to verify the accuracy of
                  property or transaction information provided to clients                            20
             5.   ίપቖɓ˓ᅽᆵࣛdӚϞԽᏖήପ˾ଣᗇʿŊאᔖࡰᗇ
                  Failure to wear Estate Agent card and/or staff card when promoting the sale of first-hand
                  properties                                                                         19

             6.   ίᄿѓ౤Զيุٙྼࠦ͜ጐࣛ͊Ϟ፭ς္၍҅ה೯ܸ̈ٙˏ
                  Failure to comply with the guidelines issued by the EAA when providing the saleable area of the
                  property concerned in the advertisement                                            18
             7.   ͊Ϟίτરॡ༣ۃࣨྼุ˴ٙԒ΅i͊Ϟᆽڭ˾ڌᖦ໇ᑗࣛ൯ር՘ᙄŊॡߒŊᑗࣛॡߒŊήପ
                  Failure to ascertain the ownership of the property before arranging it for rent; failure to ensure
                  that the signatory was duly authorised by the vendor/lessor or purchaser/tenant to sign the
                  provisional agreement for sale and purchase/tenancy agreement/provisional tenancy agreement/
                  estate agency agreement                                                            17
             8.   ͊Ϟܲ๫ࠈ׼ڌܸࣸٙͪ෬ᄳ༈ڌࣸdא͊Ϟਗ਼ʊ෬Ѽٙࠈ׼ڌࣸʹʚϞᗫɛɻdאࠈ׼ڌࣸ
                  Failure to complete a prescribed form in accordance with the directions specified in the form or
                  supply a completed prescribed form to a person or attach to a prescribed form such documents as
                  directed or specified in the form; failure to stipulate the term of validity period in the estate
                  agency agreement                                                                   16
             9.   ͊Ϟၾ܄˒ࠈͭήପ˾ଣ՘ᙄ
                  Failure to enter into an estate agency agreement with clients                      15
             10.  ͊ϞᄵБΣ܄˒Ъ̈ٙତږΫᗍוፕʿŊא˸ࣣࠦҖόΐ׼Ϟᗫוፕ
                  Failure to give and/or set out in writing the cash rebate as promised to clients   9

            *  ௅ʱߏܛ޼ৃࡈࣩאऒʿ൴ཀɓධ༼஝ԫ֝f                      *  There could be more than one type of non-compliances in some inquiry hearing

         88     &45"5& "(&/54 "65)03*5: t Annual Report 2017/18
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95