Page 85 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 85

ጐ฽ਞၾੂج Proactive in Law Enforcement

            Results of Cases Completed*

                                                                                              ܸ၈ϓͭ Ƥ
                200                                                                           Substantiated Ƥ
                           139                                                                Insufficient information
                                                  131                 131                     to pursue
                                               95          97                                 Others#
                                   88                                             89
                 40                                                           33

                           ᐼᅰ Total                ᐼᅰ Total               ᐼᅰ Total
                             405                     368                    440
                            2015/16                2016/17                 2017/18
            *    ϋʫҁϓٙࡈࣩ௅ʱމֻϋટᐏٙࡈࣩd຅ʕܼ̍ڌࠦᗇ               *   Some cases completed in a year were brought forward from previous years. The
                 ኽϓͭԨᔷʧʚߏܛ։ࡰึஈଣٙࡈࣩd˸ʿ͟ҳൡʿБ                   figures include prima facie cases referred to and dealt with by the Disciplinary
                 ਗ௅ஈଣٙڌࠦᗇኽʔϓͭٙࡈࣩf                            Committee and non-prima facie cases disposed of by the Complaints and
                                                             Enforcement Sections.
                 νࡈࣩʕהऒʿ΂Оɓධܸ၈஗ʱᗳމ˜ܸ၈ϓͭ™d༈ʊ                   A completed case will be classified as “Substantiated” if any of the allegations
                 ҁϓஈଣٙࡈࣩуึ஗ᓥᗳމ˜ܸ၈ϓͭ™f                        involved therein has been concluded as “Substantiated”.
            #    ܼ̍Ꮮໄሜݟe՟ऊҳൡאΪՉ˼ࡡΪϾ୞˟ሜݟٙࡈࣩf              #    Include cases which were curtailed, withdrawn or closed due to other reasons.

            Ԛݟʿሜݟ                                        Compliance inspections and investigations
            ϋʫd္၍҅ᘱᚃ׵ήପ˾ଣਠ⧕ʿɓ˓يุቖਯ                       During the year, the EAA continued to maintain its enforcement
            ήᓃၪܵੂجfԚݟಂගdБਗ௅֛ಂ౤፴ۃᇞ੽                       effort on places of estate agency business and promotion sites of
            ุࡰࠅ፭ςอੂุஷѓٙࠅӋd˸౤৷Չਖ਼ุձ዁                       first sale property developments. During the compliance visits, the
            ς˥̻dԨΝࣛᆽڭ˼ࡁᘌࣸ፭ς஝֛f҅˙͵္                       Enforcement Team regularly reminded the frontline practitioners to
            ࿀੽ุࡰה̊೮ٙၣɪʿΙՏᄿѓf္၍҅ீཀቇ                       observe and comply with the requirements of the newly issued
            ࣛԚݟၣɪيุ̨̻ʿ޴ᗫᄿѓdᜫ҅˙ঐԘ஺ή                       practice circulars in a bid to raise their professional and ethical
            ೯ତ༼஝ٙࡈࣩdᘱϾમ՟ቇࣛٙੂجБਗf                         standards, while at the same time, to ensure a high level of
                                                         compliance. We also monitored online and printed advertisements
                                                         issued by practitioners. Appropriate cyber patrols on property online
                                                         portals and related advertisements enabled us to promptly identify
                                                         breaches of the regulations and guidelines and take timely
                                                         enforcement actions.

            ͟׵ʮ଺࿁ᒅ൯ྤ̮يุٙጳሳ˚ᄣd္၍֛҅ಂ                       With the public’s increasing interests on buying overseas properties,
            ආБԚݟdə༆ܵ೐ɛ݊щϞ፭ςྤ̮يุቖਯٙ                       the EAA regularly conducts inspections to see if licensees abide by
            ੂุܸˏf҅˙͵ጐ฽ൖ࿀ྤ̮يุٙ܁ෂήᓃd                       the practice guidelines on marketing overseas properties. We also
            ə༆ܵ೐ήପ˾ଣהમٙ͜΢၇ቖਯഄଫdίϞც                       proactively visit overseas properties promotional venues to
            ࠅࣛீཀ˜׳ஊ™Бਗd˸ฮʕਈݟϞщ΂Оʔ຅Б                      understand the various sales tactics used by the licensed estate
            މdԷνί܁ෂவԬيุࣛЪ̈Ⴌኬ௓ࠑf                          agents, and use covert techniques if and when necessary to detect
                                                         any malpractice such as misrepresentation when promoting these
                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      83
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90