Page 86 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 86


            Proactive in Law Enforcement

            ࠰ಥЪމ਷ყৌਕतйБਗଡ଼ᔌٙϓࡰdϞப΂ྼ                       As a member of the Financial Action Task Force, Hong Kong has an
            ݄ଡ଼ᔌהܔᙄٙણ݄dܼ̍͂Ꮨݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟                       obligation to implement the recommendations of the task force,
            ږᘪණfήପ˾ଣุ஗ൖމ͂Ꮨݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟                       including measures to counter money laundering and terrorism
            ږᘪණ۾উٙࠠࠅҪᗫ٫dவԬણ݄͵ቇ͜׵வࡈ                       financing. These measures are applicable to the estate agency sector,
            Бุf                                          which is one of the industries identified as an important gatekeeper
                                                         to counter money laundering and terrorist financing threats.

            І2018ϋ3˜ৎd္၍҅ɓٜၾήପ˾ଣุޢίྼ                     Since March 2018, the EAA has been working closely with the estate
            ݄ˀݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږᘪණɪၡ੗ΥЪfЇʦd                       agency trade on the implementation of measures to prevent money
            Бਗ௅ʊԚൖήପ˾ଣਠ⧕25ϣd˸ə༆˼ࡁϞщ                      laundering and terrorist financing. The Enforcement Team has
            ፭੽ˀݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږᘪණੂุஷѓٙ஝֛f                       conducted 25 inspections so far on estate agency shops to see if
            ̤̮d္၍҅͵ึආБ༧ආ္ٙ࿀ձᄲฐٙԚൖʈ                       they are complying with the practice circular on Anti-Money
            Ъdᜫήପ˾ଣุޢһආɓӉႩᗆձə༆ݹ፺ձމ                       Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Requirement. Follow-up
            ࢵ׈ʱɿᘪණ༟ږה੭Ըٙ۾উf                              off-site monitoring and prudential visits will be conducted to further
                                                         enhance the estate agency trade’s awareness and understanding of
                                                         the money laundering and terrorist financing threats.

            ϋʫd္၍҅΍ආБə3,048ϣԚݟd຅ʕ1,423ϣ                  During the year, the EAA conducted a total of 3,048 compliance
            ݊Ԛݟɓ˓ᅽᆵቖਯᓃdՉቱ1,625ϣۆ݊Ԛݟή                     inspections, of which 1,423 were at first-sale sites and 1,625 at
            ପ˾ଣਠ⧕fಂʫd҅˙͵ఱၣɪᄿѓආБə672                      estate agency shops. Some 672 spot checks on online
            ϣפݟdԨఱၣɪيุ̨̻ආБə396ϣפݟf                       advertisements and 396 on online property portals were also carried
                                                         out during the period.
            Compliance Inspections

                                                      1,659                  1,625            ɓ˓ᅽᆵቖਯᓃ*
                1,800                                                                         First-sale sites*
                                                  1,389                  1,423                ήପ˾ଣਠ⧕
                                                                                              Estate agency shops
                1,500     1,208





                            2015/16                2016/17                 2017/18

                   *  ܼ̍ᅽᆵהίஈeᅽᆵቖਯஈʿՉڝڐf
                   *  Include development sites, sales offices and vicinity areas.

            ίආБϞᗫԚݟձפݟܝd္၍҅΍කͭə79֚ࡈ                      Subsequent to these inspections and spot checks, 79 enforcement
            ࣩආБሜݟd຅ʕϞ33֚ίԚݟɓ˓ᅽᆵቖਯήᓃ                      cases were opened, of which 33 cases arose from first-sale
            ࣛ೯ତd15֚ίԚݟήପ˾ଣਠ⧕ࣛ೯ତd21֚ۆ                     inspections, 15 from estate agency shop visits, 21 cases from online
            މၣɪʿజ௝פݟࡈࣩd̤Ϟ10֚ऒʿՉ˼׌ሯf                      and newspaper patrols and 10 cases of a miscellaneous nature.
            ίԚݟಂග೯ତऒʿ༼ˀήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ʿՉڝ᙮                      Compliance failures, which constitute violations of EAO and its
            جԷٙ੬Ԉ༼஝ԫධܼ̍j೯̈༼஝ᄿѓe͊Ϟ׵                       subsidiary legislations, commonly revealed during the inspection
            ɓ˓ᅽᆵቖਯᓃԽᏖ͜ЪᗆйԒ΅ٙήପ˾ଣᗇ                        process include issuing non-compliant advertisements, failing to
            ʿŊאᔖࡰᗇd˸ʿӚϞ၍Ϟيุ༟ࣘf                           wear Estate Agent card and/or staff card for identification purpose
                                                         at first-sale sites, and failing to possess property information.

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