Page 91 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 91

ጐ฽ਞၾੂج Proactive in Law Enforcement

             Actions Taken Against Licensees or Former Licensees*     2015/16       2016/17       2017/18

             Number of licensees or former licensees involved           368           324           359
             Бਗ׌ሯ    1
             Type of actions 1

             Admonishment/reprimand                                     193           192           233

             Fine                                                       123           132           168
             ί೐๫ɪڝ̋ૢ΁       2
             Attachment of conditions to licence 2                      223           177           170
             Suspension of licence                                      22            25             31

             Revocation of licence                                      56            29            30

            *  ήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ٙᛆɢϾЪ̈ٙкӔf຅ʕϞ௅΅̙ঐʔ᙮׵              *  These actions were taken pursuant to powers under the EAO. Some actions may be
               ߏܛ׌ሯf௅΅ֻ݊ϋ࢝කሜݟٙࡈࣩf                          disciplinary in nature and others not. Some cases were carried over from previous
            1    ί௅ʱࡈࣩʕdึ࿁Νɓܵ೐ɛאۃܵ೐ɛમ՟൴ཀɓධБਗf            1    In some cases more than one action was imposed on the same licensee or former
            2    ௅ʱૢ΁׵ҭ̈೐๫ࣛڝ̋dՉቱۆᎇܝڝ̋f                   2    Some conditions were attached upon the granting of licences and others attached

               வԬ࿞ቖ೐๫ٙࡈࣩѩ͟೐๫։ࡰึ൒֛dଣ݊ܵ͟೐ɛʔΎ                  These cases were decided by the Licensing Committee on the ground that the
               ୌΥ޴ᗫٙ೯೐ૢ΁f                                  licensees concerned no longer met the relevant licensing requirements.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      89
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96