Page 89 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 89

ጐ฽ਞၾੂج Proactive in Law Enforcement

            Νಂdߏܛ։ࡰึᅲࣛΞቖə30ࡈ೐๫dΞቖಂ͟                      During the same period, 30 licences were suspended for periods
            ɖ˂ЇՇࡈ˜ʔഃf஗ஈʱٙܵ೐ɛऒʿЪ̈༼ˀ                       ranging from seven days to two months. Licensees disciplined were
            ਖ਼ุ዁ςٙБމdԷνЪ̈Ⴌኬ׌௓ࠑe͊Ϟڭღ                       found to have been engaged in unprofessional conduct such as
            ձڮආ܄˒ٙлूd˸ʿމ܄˒౤Զ؂ਕࣛӚϞး                       making misrepresentations, failing to protect and promote the
            ඎʃːձးɓʲᏐးٙрɢf                                interests of their clients, or failing to exercise due care and due

            ΍Ϟ168Τܵ೐ɛ஗ၮಛdږᕘ͟500ʩЇ120,000                 A total of 168 licensees were fined, with the fines ranging from
            ʩʔഃf                                         $500 to $120,000.

            ʮ̺޼ৃٙ൒Ӕଣ͟                                    Publication of reasons for the decisions of
                                                         inquiry hearings
            މ౤৷ீ׼ܓd္၍҅І2017ϋ2˜ৎίՉၣ१ɪ                     For achieving greater transparency, the EAA has since February
            ʮ̺ߏܛ։ࡰึהආБٙ޼ৃٙ൒Ӕଣ͟f                          2017 published on its website the reasons for the decisions of the
                                                         inquiry hearings conducted by the Disciplinary Committee.

            ʮ̺൒Ӕଣ͟ʔසᜫήପ˾ଣุޢආɓӉə༆္၍                       The publication of the reasons for the decisions enables the estate
            ҅ٙߏܛ൒Ӕdᒔᜫܵ೐ɛ࿁νО፭ςήପ˾ଣૢ                      agency trade to have a better understanding of the EAA’s
            Է‘ʿŊאՉڝ᙮جԷϞһଉɝٙଣ༆d˸ᒒе˚ܝ                      disciplinary decisions. It also gives licensees an opportunity to learn
            ̈ତᗳЧٙҳൡfϤ̮dʮ္̺၍҅ٙ஝၍Бਗʿ                       about how to comply with the EAO and/or its subsidiary legislation
            ՉߠܝٙࡡΪd͵Ϟпၪܵʮ଺࿁္၍҅ዄ΂஝၍                       so that similar complaints may be prevented in the future.
            ԉЍٙڦːf                                       Moreover, by demonstrating what regulatory action is being or has
                                                         been taken and the reasons behind, public confidence in the
                                                         regulatory role of the EAA can also be maintained.

            Number of Inquiry Hearings with Decision Handed Down

             ϋܓ Year                                                 2015/16         2016/17         2017/18

             ޼ৃϣᅰ Number of hearings                                     186             187             229

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      87
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94