Page 95 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 95

ٝᗆᙺ፩ۃᓼ Forward Looking in Knowledge Instillation

            ӊࡈܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌݺਗѩึᐏʱৣܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌኪ                       CPD points would be assigned to CPD activities based on the
            ʱdԨ࣬ኽӊධݺਗٙਞၾࣛᅰࠇၑfɓছԸႭd                       number of hours involved in a CPD activity. Generally, one CPD
            ܵ೐ɛӊਞၾɓʃࣛٙݺਗdکึᐏ੻ɓࡈܵᚃਖ਼                       point would be awarded for each hour of activity undertaken. In
            ุආࡌኪʱfމəіˏܵ೐ɛਞၾʿৣΥ˼ࡁ΢၇                       order to motivate licensees and to meet their demands of diverse
            ጳሳձცࠅdܵ೐ɛ̙ீཀʔΝኪ୦ᅼόٙݺਗԸ                       interests and needs, CPD points are allowed to be acquired through
            ՟੻ܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌኪʱdԷνਞ̋ᑺࢭŊ޼ীึe                       various modes of learning, such as seminar/lecture, web-based
            ၣɪჇ൷ኪ୦e̙ᐏ཯ኪஔ༟ࣸٙሙ೻e༷ኪྠe                       distance learning, award-bearing courses, tour, delegation visit and
            ˾ڌྠઞஞʿਖ਼ุʹݴݺਗf                                professional exchange activities.

            ݺਗʿਞၾϣᅰ                                      Number of activities and enrolments
            ϋʫd္၍҅ʿՉ˼˴፬ዚ࿴Υ΍ᑘ፬ə494ఙܵ                      During the year, a total of 494 CPD activities were organised by the
            ᚃਖ਼ุආࡌݺਗdіˏə28,933ɛϣਞၾd΍՟੻                    EAA and other activity organisers. These CPD activities attracted
            55,808ࡈܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌኪʱfί494ࡈݺਗʕd119                 28,933 enrolments and attained 55,808 CPD points. Among the
            ఙ€Цݺਗᐼᅰٙ24%္͟၍҅ᑘ፬dਞၾɛϣމ                     494 activities, 119 (24% of the total number of activities) were
            16,021€ߒЦᐼਞၾɛϣٙ55%f                         organised by the EAA with 16,021 enrolments (about 55% of total
            CPD Activities in the Past Three Years

                                                 2015/16               2016/17                2017/18
                                            ݺਗᅰͦ       ਞၾɛϣ        ݺਗᅰͦ       ਞၾɛϣ       ݺਗᅰͦ        ਞၾɛϣ
                                              No. of     No. of     No. of      No. of     No. of     No. of
                                           Activities Enrolments  Activities Enrolments  Activities Enrolments

             ္၍҅ EAA                            104      16,267        111      15,747        119      16,021
             ήପ˾ଣุޢ Estate Agency Trade         224       8,483        316      10,727        366      12,702
             Չ˼˴፬ዚ࿴ Other Providers               8         220          7         78          9         210
             ᐼᅰ Total                           336      24,970        434      26,552        494      28,933

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      93
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100