Page 88 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 88


            Proactive in Law Enforcement

            ߏܛБਗ                                         Disciplinary Actions

            ߏܛ޼ৃ                                         Inquiry hearings
            ࡊ္߰၍҅Б݁ᐼ൒Ϟଣ͟޴ڦ΂Оܵ೐ɛӚϞ፭                       If the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of the EAA has reasons to
            ςήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ʿŊאՉڝ᙮جԷiאӚϞ༟ࣸ                      believe that a licensee has failed to comply with the EAO and/or its
            ܵϞאᘱᚃܵϞ೐๫iאӚϞ፭ςڝ̋׵Չ೐๫ɪ                       subsidiary legislation; or is not eligible to hold or continue to hold a
            ٙ΂Оܸ׼ٙૢ΁dБ݁ᐼ൒̙Σߏܛ։ࡰึ౤̈                       licence; or has failed to comply with a specified condition attached
            яࠑd˸Ӕ֛݊щఱϞᗫࡈࣩආБ޼ৃf                           to his licence, the CEO shall make a submission to the Disciplinary
                                                         Committee for consideration if an inquiry hearing should be

            ߏܛ։ࡰึ݊ɓࡈ࣬ኽήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ϓͭٙ੬ண                      The Disciplinary Committee, a standing committee established
            ։ࡰึdࠋபટաeϽᅇʿݟӺҳൡ˸ʿБ݁ᐼ൒                       under the EAO, receives, considers and conducts inquiries into
            הяࠑٙࡈࣩfࡊ߰ߏܛ։ࡰึίߏܛ޼ৃܝႩމ                       complaints and submissions by the CEO. If the Disciplinary
            Ϟᗫٙҳൡאяࠑϓͭd̙БԴߏܛՓ൒ᛆɢd຅                       Committee, after conducting an inquiry hearing, is satisfied that the
            ʕܼ̍৅ႪאᚏபϞᗫܵ೐ɛdਗ਼ૢ΁ڝ̋׵Չ೐                       complaint or submission is well-founded, it may exercise disciplinary
            ๫ɪאһҷڝ̋׵Չ೐๫ɪٙૢ΁dᅲࣛΞቖא࿞                       powers including admonishing or reprimanding the licensee
            ቖՉ೐๫dкஈၮಛ˸ʿЪ̈˕˹൬ٙ͜ն˿f                        concerned, attaching/varying specified conditions attached to his
                                                         licence, suspending/revoking his licence, imposing a fine and
                                                         making a costs order.

            ί2017/18ϋܓdߏܛ։ࡰึ΍кӔə229֚ࡈࣩd                  In 2017/18, the Disciplinary Committee adjudicated 229 cases, of
            Չʕ226֚€Ц98.7%ܸٙ၈ϓͭfഐ؈d΍Ϟ232                 which 226 were substantiated (i.e. 98.7%). As a result, a total of
            Τܵ೐ɛ஗ߏܛஈʱdՉʕ153Τމࡈɛܵ೐ɛ d                     232 licensees were disciplined, among whom 153 were individual
            79Τމʮ̡ܵ೐ɛf                                   licensees  and 79 company licensees.

            A staged inquiry hearing.

            1    ܼ̍ήପ˾ଣʮ̡ٙዹ༟຾ᐄ٫ŊΥྫɛf                     1    Including sole-proprietors and partners of estate agency firms.

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