Page 94 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 94


            Forward Looking in Knowledge Instillation

            ਖ਼ุ೯࢝                                         Professional Development

            މəڮආήପ˾ଣ੽ุࡰٙԫุ೯࢝ʿ౤ʺ˼ࡁٙ                       With a view to fostering career progression and professional
            ਖ਼ุ˥̻d္၍҅׵2005ϋપ̈ܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇ                      advancement of the estate agency trade practitioners, the EAA
            ྌfீཀܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌd္၍҅ߧɢίήପ˾                       launched a Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) Scheme
            ଣ੽ุࡰගᐄிІҢ౤ʺٙ˖ʷd˸౤ʺ੽ุࡰٙ                       in 2005. Through the CPD Scheme, the EAA strives to build a
            ٝᗆձҦঐdԨᆽڭ˼ࡁՈ௪௰อٙਖ਼ุٝᗆԸᏐ                       culture of self-advancement among practitioners, which helps
            ˹˼ࡁٙʈЪf                                      advance the practitioners’ knowledge and skills and keep their
                                                         professional knowledge up to date within the field in which they

                                                                              Related CPD activities on the Practice
                                                                              Circulars issued by the EAA are held regularly
                                                                              to familiarise licensees with the requirements
                                                                              of the guidelines.

            પБܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌ                                   Introduction of the CPD Scheme
            ္၍҅˸ІᗴਞၾҖόપБܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌdԨ                       The CPD Scheme is implemented on a voluntary basis. Under the
            ོᎸ੽ุࡰਞၾ͟ʔΝ˴፬ዚ࿴ה౤Զᇍఖᄿعٙ                       scheme, practitioners are encouraged to take part in a wide range
            ܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌݺਗd˴፬ዚ࿴္ܼ̍၍҅຅҅e઺                       of CPD activities provided by different activity organisers, including
            ԃዚ࿴eՉ˼္၍ዚ࿴אਖ਼ุྠ᜗dุޢਠึʿή                       the EAA itself, educational institutions, other regulatory bodies or
            ପ˾ଣʮ̡f                                       professional associations, trade associations and the estate agency

            ܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌݺਗʱމՇࡈ˴ࠅᗳйdʱйމΥ஝                       CPD activities are classified under two main categories, namely
            ʿϞࣖ၍ଣᗳйd˸ʿΌࠦ౤ʺ೯࢝ᗳйfΥ஝ʿ                       Compliance and Effective Management, and All-round
            Ϟࣖ၍ଣᗳйܼ̍جԷeج஝ࠅӋʿ္ຖԫ֝Ϟ੗                       Advancement. Subjects relating to law, compliance or supervisory
            ʲᗫڷٙ߅ͦiϾՉ˼Ϟп౤ʺܵ೐ɛΌࠦ೯࢝ʿ                       issues are grouped under Compliance and Effective Management,
            ሯ९౤ʺٙ߅ͦۆᓥᗳމΌࠦ౤ʺ೯࢝ᗳйf                         while other subjects conducive to all-round development and
                                                         quality enhancement of licensees are grouped under All-round

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