Page 21 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 21

Б݁ᐼ൒ිజ Report of the Chief Executive Officer

            ჼᑽ                                           Acknowledgements

            ္၍҅ί2017/18ϋܓה՟੻ٙϓᐶdΌ፠הϞܵ                    Our achievements of the year could only have been made possible
            ΅٫ٙහɢ˕ܵfһࠠࠅٙ݊d͉ɛহːชᑽ္၍                       with the support of all our stakeholders. Most importantly, I am
            ҅˴ࢩձՉ˼໨ԫ҅ϓࡰٙჃԈe˕ܵձܔᙄi͉                       deeply grateful to the EAA Chairman and other Board members for
            ɛ͵ᔟϤΣ္၍҅ɓ଺ʔᗘ௶߮ήʈЪٙࡰʈ͟হ                       their foresight, support and advice, as well as the hard work of all
            ߧᑽf                                          EAA staff.

            ί္၍҅ྠඟٙʔᓙрɢձܵ΅٫ཻٙɢ˕ܵɨd                       Through the continued efforts of the EAA team and the support of
            Ңࡁ֛ਗ਼౤ʺุޢٙਖ਼ุ˥̻dމήପ˾ଣБุ˸                       our stakeholders, we shall be able to enhance the professionalism
            Ї዆ࡈ࠰ಥٙ၅߀̈ɢf                                  of the trade for the benefit of our trade, Hong Kong and beyond.

            ᒵੈറ                                          Ruby HON Yuen-ping
            Б݁ᐼ൒                                         Chief Executive Officer

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      19
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