Page 23 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 23

ዚ࿴၍ط Corporate Governance

            ္၍҅໨ԫ҅ʿՉଡ଼ϓ                                   The EAA Board and composition

            ໨ԫ҅                                          The Board
            ໨ԫ္҅݊၍҅ٙ௰৷Ӕഄଡ଼ᔌdࠋபՓ္֛၍҅                       The highest decision-making authority of the EAA is the Board. It
            ዆᜗ഄଫ˙Σʿ݁ഄdԷνՓ֛ʿஷཀዚ࿴೯࢝ࠇ                       sets the overall strategic direction and policies of the EAA, such as
            ྌeϋܓʈЪࠇྌeϋܓཫၑࣩd˸ʿࠋப၍ଣʿ                       considering and endorsing its corporate plan, annual work plan and
            ္࿀္၍҅Б݁௅ژٙڌତf                                annual budget. It also supervises and monitors the performance of
                                                         the EAA Administration.

            ໨ԫ҅ٙଡ଼ϓ                                       Board composition
           ήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘࿁္၍҅໨ԫ҅ٙଡ଼ϓϞהࠈ׼f                       The constitution of the EAA Board is stipulated by the EAO. The
            ໨ԫ҅ணϞ͍eਓ˴ࢩ΢ɓΤʿʔε׵18Τ౷ஷϓ                      EAA Board consists of a Chairman, a Vice-chairman, and not more
            ࡰfϓࡰԸІٟึɪʔΝޢйdܼ̍ήପ˾ଣБุ                       than 18 ordinary members from different sectors of the community,
            ձ༶፩ʿג܊҅f໨ԫ҅ϓࡰٙ΂ಂո֛d͟࠰ಥ                       including the estate agency sector and the Transport and Housing
            तйБ݁ਜБ݁ڗ֜Ӕ֛ʿ։΂fБ݁௅ژึΣอ                       Bureau. All Board members are determined and appointed for a
            ΂໨ԫ҅ϓࡰ౤Զᔊజʿɓࢁ༟ࣘd˸کՉᆞ઄္                       fixed term by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special
            ၍҅ٙʈЪf                                       Administrative Region. After appointment, new Board members will
                                                         be provided with briefings and information packages by the
                                                         Administration to familiarise themselves with the work of the EAA.

            ໨ԫ҅ϓࡰԸІεʩʷߠ౻dԨኹϞʔΝٙٝᗆe                       Board members come from varied backgrounds with diverse
            ຾᜕ʿਖ਼ุdܼ̍ԸІήପ˾ଣeਠุeجܛe಻                       knowledge, experience and expertise, including the sectors of real
            ඎeږፄeึࠇʿኪஔޢйഃdމ໨ԫ҅੭Ըਖ਼ุ                       estate agency, business, legal, surveying, finance, accounting
            Ԉ༆˸ʿዹͭᝈᓃfԸІήପ˾ଣุʫʿุ̮ٙϓ                       professions and academia. They bring to the Board their own
            ࡰଡ଼Υd͵ঐމ໨ԫ҅ίՓ֛΢ධ݁ഄʿણ݄ࣛd                       wisdom and independent perspectives. The combination of
            ੭Ըһ̻ፅձΌࠦٙᝈᓃfϞᗫତ΂໨ԫ҅ϓࡰٙ                       members from within and outside the estate agency trade also
            ֑Τʿ༉୚༟ࣘ༉༱׵͉ϋజٙɨɓࡈ௝ືf                         provides the Board with a more balanced and holistic view when
                                                         setting policies and identifying measures. The names and details of
                                                         all current Board members are listed in the next section of this

            ္၍҅ٙ˴ࢩʿБ݁ᐼ൒ᔖЗ͟ʔΝɛɻ̈΂d΢                       The positions of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of
            ̡Չᔖf˴ࢩࠋபჯኬ໨ԫ҅ੂБήପ˾ଣૢ                        the EAA are held by different persons and their roles are
            Է‘dՓ္֛၍҅ഄଫʿ݁ഄiϾБ݁ᐼ൒ۆ݊ჯኬ                      segregated. The Chairman is responsible for leading the Board in
            Б݁௅ژdࠋபੂБ໨ԫ҅ٙӔ֛dԨࠋப၍ଣ҅                       enforcing the EAO, setting strategies and policies for the EAA, while
            ˙΢ධ˚੬ԫਕf                                     the CEO is the head of administration responsible for executing the
                                                         decisions of the Board and administering everyday business and
                                                         affairs of the EAA.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      21
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