Page 16 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 16


            Report of the Chief Executive Officer

            ္၍҅ɓνֻ݅dߧɢ஝၍ήପ˾ଣБุe౤ʺุ                       The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”), as always, puts its main focus
            ޢٙਖ਼ุ˥̻dԨί͉ϋܓʫᘱᚃ̋੶ၾุޢʿʮ                       and effort on regulating the estate agency trade, enhancing the
            ଺๖ஷf                                         professionalism of the trade and strengthening the communication
                                                         with both the trade and the public during the review period of this
                                                         annual report.

            ̹ఙ฿ر                                         Market overview

            2017/18ϋܓٙ዆᜗يุʹ׸ᅰο፽੻ʺషd༺Ց                    The total number of property transactions in 2017/18 recorded an
            86,469֚d༰2016/17ϋܓɪʺ4.7%iϾ൯ርΥߒ               increase, amounting to 86,469, which is higher than the figure in
            ᐼ࠽͵ɪʺə23.45%Ї7,640ᄂʩf                        2016/17 by 4.7%. The total consideration has also increased by
                                                         23.45% to $764 billion.

            ཀ̘ᅰϋd೐๫ᅰοɓٜᖢӉɪʺd͉ϋܓʺැַ                       Over the past few years, the number of licences has been on a
            ᚃd೐๫ᅰο༰ɪɓࡈৌ݁ϋܓᄣ̋3.54%iϾ࿚                     steady rise and the trend continued last year. Compared with the
            Ї2018ϋ3˜ֵd ࡈɛ೐๫ᐼᅰ༺ዝ̦อ৷Ї                      end of the previous financial year, the number of licences has
            38,687ࡈf̤̮dਞၾ༟ࣸϽ༊ٙϽ͛ɛᅰ͵༰̘                    increased by 3.54% and the total number of individual licensees
            ϋϞהᄣ̋fϋʫdίܵ೐ɛᅰܵᚃᄣڗٙઋر                        reached a record high of 38,687 as at the end of March 2018. The
            ɨd္၍҅рɢʔ኶ήમ՟ણ݄˸̋੶ุޢςجృ                       overall number of candidates participating in the qualifying
            ஝f                                           examinations also showed an increase over the previous year.
                                                         During the year, the EAA has worked relentlessly to strengthen the
                                                         compliance of the trade as the number of licensees kept growing.

            ᘌࣸҪᗫʿ̋੶ςجృ஝                                  Gatekeeping and strengthening

            ҪᗫձΥ஝Ԛݟ္݊၍Փܓʕ௰މࠠࠅٙʩ९ʘ                        One of the important components of a regulatory regime is
            ɓfމԣ˟Ͻ༊Ъ࿌ԫ΁dҢࡁ׵̘ϋϗၡəϽ༊                       gatekeeping and compliance surveillance. To prevent examination
            ςۆʿ஝Էfϋʫd္၍҅͵ΪᏐ̹ఙᐑྤᜊʷϾ                       cheating, we tightened the rules and regulations for examinations
            Σήପ˾ଣุޢ೯̈ə̬΅ੂุஷѓd˸౤፴ุޢ                       last year. During the year, the EAA issued four practice circulars for
            ʲʶ༼஝d౤ʺБʫɛɻٙਖ਼ุ˥̻d຅ʕܼ̍j                       the trade to comply with in response to changing market situations
            ஷѓቇ͜ᇍఖ  —  ڢИσيุe൯ርאॡ༣ڢИσي                   to heighten the estate agency trade’s vigilance against non-
            ุëਯ࠰ಥྤ̮͊ܔϓيุd˸ʿ፭੽͂Ꮨݹ፺                       compliances and enhance their professional standards. They
            ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږᘪණࠅӋٙੂุஷѓf                            included: Application of Circulars — Non-residential Properties, Sale
                                                         and Purchase or Leasing of Non-residential Properties, Sale of
                                                         Uncompleted Properties Situated Outside Hong Kong, and
                                                         Compliance of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist
                                                         Financing Requirements.

         14     &45"5& "(&/54 "65)03*5: t Annual Report 2017/18
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