Page 17 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 17

Б݁ᐼ൒ිజ Report of the Chief Executive Officer

            ္၍҅͵֛ಂԚݟɓ˓ᅽᆵቖਯᓃʿήପ˾ଣਠ                        The EAA also regularly conducted compliance checks at first-sale
            ⧕dԨפݟၣɪيุᄿѓfϋʫd္၍҅׵ɓ˓ᅽ                       sites and estate agency shops and on online property
            ᆵቖਯᓃʿήପ˾ଣਠ⧕ʱйආБə1,423ʿ1,625                  advertisements. During the year, the EAA conducted 1,423 and
            ϣԚݟiఱၣɪيุᄿѓʿၣɪيุ̨̻ʱйආБ                       1,625 compliance checks at first-sale sites and estate agency shops
            ə672ϣʿ396ϣפݟf̤̮d္၍҅͵֛ಂึԈ                     respectively. A total of 672 inspections of online property
            ၣɪ̨̻ٙᐄ༶ਠd˸ᆽڭ˼ࡁə༆္၍҅࿁׵ၣ                       advertisements and 396 inspections of online property portals were
            ɪيุᄿѓٙࠅӋf                                    also conducted in 2017/18. Regular meetings with online portal
                                                         operators were also held to ensure that they were aware of the
                                                         EAA’s requirements regarding online property advertisements.

            Ԛݟಂගd္၍҅ɛࡰึΣܵ೐ɛᑺ༆Ϟᗫอੂุ                       Concurrently with those checks, licensees were educated on new
            ஷѓʫ࢙ʿၾήପ˾ଣੂุ޴ᗫٙجԷࠅӋf҅˙                       practice circulars and legislative requirements relating to estate
            ɰึீཀܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌᑺࢭeߧܵ೐ɛՌ΁d                       agency practice. The trade was also reminded to comply with new
            ˸ʿၾุޢආБึᙄd౤፴ุޢ፭ςอܸˏf                         guidelines through Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”)
                                                         seminars, letters to licensees and meetings with the trade.

            ϋʫd္၍҅΍ટᐏ425֚ҳൡd༰2016/17ϋܓٙ                  In the year, the EAA received 425 complaints, a decrease of 11%
            477֚ಯˇ11%f್ϾdϞᗫɓ˓Иσيุቖਯٙ                     from 477 complaints in 2016/17. However, the complaints
            ҳൡۆ͟2016/17ϋܓٙ74֚Ⴠฆᄣ̋Ї2017/18                concerning the sale of first-hand residential properties had a slight
            ϋܓٙ80֚fϞᗫɓ˓Иσيุቖਯٙ௰੬Ԉҳൡ                      increase from 74 cases in 2016/17 to 80 cases in 2017/18. The
            ׌ሯၾཀֻɓᅵdܼ̍͊ϞᄵБΫᗍוፕe೯̈༼                       most common complaints related to first-hand residential properties
            ஝ᄿѓd˸ʿ౤ԶႬኬܲ౧༟ࣘf                              remained the same, including failure to honour rebate promises,
                                                         issuance of non-compliant advertisements, and provision of
                                                         misleading mortgage information.

            ᎇ䋠2018ῧᏘݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږᘪණ€ږፄዚ                     With the enactment of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-
            ࿴€ࡌࠈૢԷ׵2018ϋ3˜͛ࣖdϞᗫૢԷৰቇ                    Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) (Amendment) Ordinance
            ͜׵ږፄዚ࿴̮d͵ቇ͜׵ήପ˾ଣุഃʔΝٙྼ                       2018 (“AMLO”) effective from March 2018 which applies not only
            ᜗f္၍҅ఱϤɓٜၾήପ˾ଣБุၡ੗ΥЪd˸                       to financial institutions but also to a much wider group of entities
            ྼ݄΢ධԣ˟ݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږᘪණٙણ݄f္                       including the real estate agency trade, the EAA has been working
            ၍҅ึ༧ආ္࿀ձᄲฐԚݟdᜫήପ˾ଣБุһආ                       closely with the estate agency trade on the implementation of
            ɓӉႩᗆձə༆ݹ፺ձމࢵ׈ʱɿᘪණ༟ږה੭Ը                       measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
            ٙ۾উf                                         Follow-up monitoring and prudential visits will be conducted to
                                                         further enhance the estate agency trade’s awareness and
                                                         understanding of the money laundering and terrorist financing

            ί2017/18ϋܓd္၍҅ਿ׵Ϟᗫܵ೐ɛʔΎୌΥ                    In 2017/18, the EAA revoked a total of 30 licences because those
            ೯೐ૢ΁d΍࿞ቖə30ࡈ೐๫fΝࣛd္၍҅࿁                       licensees were no longer eligible to hold a licence. The EAA has also
            229֚༼஝ࡈࣩЪ̈൒֛d΍Σ232Τܵ೐ɛЪ̈ߏ                    adjudicated 229 non-compliant cases and a total of 232 licensees
            ܛஈʱf                                         were disciplined.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      15
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