Page 22 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 22


            Corporate Governance

            މ̋੶ʮ଺࿁္၍҅ٙڦ΂ʿ˸ܵ΅٫ٙ௰Գлू                       To enhance public trust in the Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) and
            މԱᓥd္၍҅ߧɢ౤ʺዚ࿴၍طdίᄵБήପ˾                      for the best interests of its stakeholders, the EAA spares no effort in
            ଣૢԷ‘ɨٙᔖபࣛdၪܵ৷ܓ༐ڦeʮ͍eਪப׌                      taking corporate governance to a higher level and reaching a high
            ձீ׼ܓf                                        standard of integrity, impartiality, accountability and transparency
                                                         when discharging its duties under the Estate Agents Ordinance

            ዚ࿴၍ط࣪ݖ                                       Governance Framework

            ዚ࿴၍طݖ࿴                                       Governance structure

                          ္၍҅໨ԫ҅e੬ண։ࡰึၾਖ਼பʃଡ଼             The EAA Board, Standing Committees and Working Panel
                          h ৌਕʿഄଫ೯࢝։ࡰึ                  t  'JOBODF BOE 4USBUFHJD %FWFMPQNFOU $PNNJUUFF
                          h ߏܛ։ࡰึ                       t  %JTDJQMJOBSZ $PNNJUUFF
                          h ೐๫։ࡰึ                       t  -JDFOTJOH $PNNJUUFF
                          h ੂุʿϽ༊։ࡰึ                    t  1SBDUJDF BOE &YBNJOBUJPO $PNNJUUFF
                          h ਖ਼ุ೯࢝։ࡰึ                     t  1SPGFTTJPOBM %FWFMPQNFOU $PNNJUUFF
                          h ୋ  ૢሜݟʃଡ଼                    t  4FDUJPO    *OWFTUJHBUJPO 1BOFM

                                                    Supervision and Guidance

                        ਪப׌ʿீ׼ܓ                                                         Փፅણ݄
                   Accountability and Transparency                                  Checks and Balances

                  ܵ΅٫            4UBLFIPMEFST                           h ͡ൡਖ਼ࡰᔧᏨ     t  5IF 0NCVETNBOhT 3FWJFX
                  €νʮ଺eุޢ         F H  UIF QVCMJD  USBEF                h ɪൡ         t  "QQFBMT
                  ʿִ݁           BOE UIF (PWFSONFOU                     h ̮௅ᄲࣨ       t  &YUFSOBM "VEJU

         20     &45"5& "(&/54 "65)03*5: t Annual Report 2017/18
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