Page 26 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 26


            Corporate Governance

              ϓࡰ MEMBERSࡰ MEMBERS

            ᔝᅃุ༟ଉɽܛࢪ                         ࡗᆎːɾɻ                            ᖯˆё˄̻୛ɻ
            ᅃႾɽܛࢪԫਕה༟ଉɽܛࢪ                    ᖯжە͑༸ึࠇࢪԫਕהۃᄲࠇΥ                  ɽܛࢪ
            t  ڭᎈԫਕɪൡᄲ൒ஈ˴ࢩ                   ༷ഺʝਗණྠϞࠢʮ̡ዹͭڢੂБ                  t  ኪஔʿᔖุ༟ዝ൙ᄲɪൡ։ࡰ
            t  ɪൡᄲ൒ྠ€ܔጘي˴ࢩ                                                      ึਓ˴ࢩ
            t  Б݁ɪൡ։ࡰึਓ˴ࢩ                    t  ࠰ಥ઺ԃɽኪࣧ໨ึϓࡰࡒᄲࠇ                t  ɝྤԫਕᄲ൒ஈᄲ൒ࡰ
            t  ዹ္ͭ࿀ᙆ˙ஈଣҳൡ։ࡰึϓࡰ                                                t  ڭτʿᚐሊุ၍ଣ։ࡰึ˴ࢩ
                                             t  ᔼ৫၍ଣ҅ᄿശᔼ৫ʿ؇ശɧ৫
            t  ࠰ಥཥ̨ᚥਪ։ࡰึϓࡰ                      රɽ̀ᔼ৫၍ط։ࡰึϓࡰ                  t  ბΑᑊሗɪൡ։ࡰึ։ࡰ
            t  ৷ഃج৫ᅲ։ج֜(2017-18)             t  ɪൡ։ࡰྠ€̹۬஝ྌϓࡰ                 t  ᖵஔ೯࢝ፔ༔։ࡰึ։ࡰ
                                             t  ࠰ಥڡϋ՘ึଣԫึ։ࡰ
            Mr Douglas LAM Tak-yip, SC       t  ࠰ಥڡϋࣚٸ՘ึБ݁։ࡰึϓ                Ms Jane Curzon LO, JP
            Senior Counsel, Des Voeux Chambers  t  ྇ࡰ໾Ꮅ౪пਿږ၍ଣ҅ϓࡰ              Barrister-at-law
            t  $IBJSQFSTPO  *OTVSBODF "QQFBMT                                 t  %FQVUZ $IBJSNBO  "DDSFEJUBUJPO
               Tribunal                      Ms Imma LING Kit-sum
            t  $IBJSNBO  "QQFBM 5SJCVOBM 1BOFM                                   of Academic and Vocational
               (Buildings)                   Retired Assurance Partner,          Qualifications Appeal Board
            t  %FQVUZ $IBJSNBO  "ENJOJTUSBUJWF   PricewaterhouseCoopers       t  "EKVEJDBUPS  *NNJHSBUJPO
               Appeals Board                 Independent Non-executive Director   Tribunal
                                             and Audit Committee Chairperson,
            t  .FNCFS  *OEFQFOEFOU 1PMJDF    Digital Hollywood Interactive Limited  t  $IBJSNBO  4FDVSJUZ BOE (VBSEJOH
               Complaints Council
            t  .FNCFS  #PBSE PG "EWJTFST PG 3BEJP   t  $PVODJM .FNCFS BOE "VEJU   Services Industry Authority
               Television Hong Kong             Committee Chairperson, The    t  .FNCFS  5PSUVSF $MBJNT "QQFBM
            t  %FQVUZ +VEHF  UIF )JHI $PVSU     Education University of Hong Kong  Board
               (2017-18)                     t  )PTQJUBM (PWFSOBODF $PNNJUUFF   t  .FNCFS  "EWJTPSZ $PNNJUUFF PO
                                                Member, Kwong Wah Hospital &
                                                TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital,     Arts Development
                                                Hospital Authority
                                             t  .FNCFS  "QQFBM #PBSE 1BOFM
                                                (Town Planning)
                                             t  $PVODJM .FNCFS  )POH ,POH
                                                Federation of Youth Groups
                                             t  &YFDVUJWF $PNNJUUFF .FNCFS
                                                Hong Kong Youth Hostels
                                             t  #PBSE .FNCFS  ),4"3 &NQMPZFFT
                                                Compensation Assistance Fund
                                                Board (2006-12)
         24     &45"5& "(&/54 "65)03*5: t Annual Report 2017/18
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