Page 20 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 20


            Report of the Chief Executive Officer

            ᘪྌ͊Ը                                         Planning ahead

            ္၍҅ʊ๟௪λڎટ͊Ըٙอܿ኷fҢࡁ֛຅ʔ਋                       In the years ahead, the EAA is gearing up to face new challenges.
            ʔ࠿dᘱᚃᄵБᔖபdܼ̍࿁΂О༼஝אܿ኷͉҅                       We are determined to continue to discharge our duties faithfully,
            ஝၍ٙБމʚ˸ߏܛஈʱdԨ࿞ቖʔቇΥᘱᚃܵϞ                       sanction any acts of non-compliances or challenges to the authority
            ೐๫ٙɛɻʘ೐๫fҢࡁࠇྌ׵2019ϋપ̈ཥ໘ʷ                     of the EAA, and will revoke the licences of those not suitable to
            ༟ࣸϽ༊d˸ک౤ԶɓࡈҞ஺ٙϽ༊ᅼόdɰึሜ                       hold one anymore. While we have a plan to organise computer-
            ዆Ͻ༊ٙᗭܓ˸౤ʺอɝБɛɻٙ˥̻f                           based qualifying examinations in 2019 to provide a speedy mode
                                                         for taking examinations, we will also adjust the level of difficulty of
                                                         the examinations to enhance the standard of new entrants to the

            ၾϤΝࣛdҢࡁਗ਼ึᘱᚃ઺ԃุޢʿ౤ʺ˼ࡁٙਖ਼                       Meanwhile, we will continue to educate our trade and enhance
            ุ˥̻dԷνༀ௪˼ࡁࠦ࿁ί2018ϋϋֵٙˀݹ፺                     their professionalism, such as equipping them for the Anti-Money
            ޴ʝ൙ࣨf̤̮dܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌٙ࠯ҭږ௝ਗ਼                       Laundering Mutual Evaluation in late 2018. In addition, the first
            ׵2018ϋϋֵ཯೯f຅್dҢࡁίτરһεʔΝ˴                     batch of “Gold” Symbol under the CPD Scheme will be awarded in
            ᕚٙऊ൬٫઺ԃݺਗɪึΎ̋Ҫۊf                             late 2018. Needless to say, we will step up our efforts in consumer
                                                         education on various topics.

            EAA Chief Executive Officer Ms Ruby Hon (front row)
            EAA Director of Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel Ms Juliet Leung, Director of Operations and Professional Development
            Ms Annie Fonda and Director of Services Mr Ivan Wong (from left, back row)

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