Page 18 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 18


            Report of the Chief Executive Officer

            ౤ʺБุٙਖ਼ุ˥̻                                    Enhancing professionalism of the

            ᎇ䋠္၍҅ၾʫήϞᗫ஝၍ዚ࿴ʕ਷גήପПᄆࢪ                       Following the signing of the renewal agreement for the mutual
            ၾגήପ຾ߏɛኪึ׵2017ϋ6˜ᖦࠈəʫήၾ࠰                     recognition of professional qualifications between the EAA and the
            ಥήପ˾ଣਖ਼ุ༟ࣸʝႩࠇྌٙᚃߒ՘ᙄܝdࠇྌ                       Mainland’s national regulatory body, China Institute of Real Estate
            ٙୋɚಂ੃৅ሙ೻ʿϽ༊ʊ׵2017ϋ12˜ίमऎ                     Appraisers and Agents in June 2017, the second training course
            ᑘБfʫήʿ࠰ಥٙήପ˾ଣѩႩމdீཀவϣʹ                       and examination of the scheme were held in December 2017 in
            ݴঐᏍп˼ࡁ̋ଉ࿁Շήج஝ʿيุʹ׸޴ᗫՓܓ                       Zhuhai. Through this exchange, estate agents from the Mainland
            ٙə༆f                                         and Hong Kong commented that it would help deepen their
                                                         understanding in the regulatory regimes and system related to
                                                         property transactions of both sides.

            ္၍҅ί઺ԃܵ೐ɛ˙ࠦ͵ʔ፲ቱɢd˸ආɓӉ౤                       The EAA also spared no effort on licensee education to further
            ʺ͉ήήପ˾ଣٙਖ਼ุ˥̻fމڌ౮ܵ೐ɛጐ฽ਞ                       enhance the professional standard of local agents. To recognise
            ၾܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌ˸౤ʺՉٝᗆd္၍҅પ̈ܵ                       licensees’ continuous effort in enhancing their knowledge through
            ᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌᎴ൳ྗ஢ᆤ௝˜ږ௝™ձ˜ვ௝™dʱ                     participation in the CPD Scheme, the EAA introduced “Gold” and
            й཯બʚஹᚃʞϋձɧϋ༺Ցܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌͦ                       “Silver” Premium CPD Attainment Symbols, which will be presented
            ᅺٙܵ೐ɛdՉʕୋɚҭ˜ვ௝™ʊ׵2017/18ϋܓ                   to those licensees who have respectively achieved the CPD
            ཯೯f                                          attainment target for a consecutive period of five or three years.
                                                         The second batch of “Silver” Symbol was awarded in 2017/18.

            ္၍҅׵2016ϋ10˜પ̈࠯ӻΐഐ࿴׌ሙ೻dΤ                     Upon launching the first series of a structured programme “EAA’s
            މ˜ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ྼਕᗇࣣሙ೻™iϞᗫᗇࣣ཯೯                      Certificate Programme in Practice” in October 2016 by the EAA,
            Պᓿʊ׵2017ϋ5˜ᑘБf                               the certificate presentation ceremony was held in May 2017.

            வԬણ݄ϙίོᎸܵ೐ɛ౤ʺՉਖ਼ุٝᗆʿጐ฽ਞ                       These initiatives encouraged licensees to enhance their professional
            ၾܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌd Ͼவࡈᗇࣣሙ೻͵Ύ׵                        knowledge and participation in the CPD Scheme and there were
            2017/18ϋܓՇܓם͛f                               two more intakes of the classes for the Certificate Programme in

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