Page 19 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 19

Б݁ᐼ൒ිజ Report of the Chief Executive Officer

            ̋੶ၾήପ˾ଣุޢʿʮ଺ٙ๖ஷ                              Strengthening communication with
                                                         estate agency trade and the public

            މၾήପ˾ଣุޢڭܵᕐΣ๖ஷdϋʫd္၍҅ৰ                       To maintain a two-way communication with the estate agency
            ᘱᚃၾุޢਠึᑘБᑌഖึᙄdԨ׵ʔΝήਜၾۃ                       trade, the EAA continued to hold liaison meetings with trade
            ᇞܵ೐ɛᑘ፬ၳೊʃଡ଼ึᙄf                                associations and meet frontline licensees in various districts through
                                                         focus group meetings during the year.

            ္၍҅͵ᘱᚃீཀၾద᜗ΥЪʿՉ˼ᑘણdપᄿऊ                       The EAA further continued its efforts in promoting consumer
            ൬٫޴ᗫ༟ৃdʿ౤ʺʮ଺࿁္၍҅ٙႩᗆfϋ                        related information and raising public awareness of the EAA
            ʫd҅˙ᑘБอၲ೯̺ึe೯̈εᇐอၲᇃd˸ʿ                       through collaborations with the media and other initiatives. In the
            τરʔΝద᜗ਖ਼ஞf҅˙͵ίεࡈద᜗ਖ਼ᙷʕ೯ڌ                       year, the EAA organised press conferences, issued a number of
            εᇐ˖௝dપᄿऊ൬٫޴ᗫ༟ৃʿʧୗ္၍҅ٙʈ                       press releases, and arranged feature interviews with different
            Ъf                                           media. A number of articles were also contributed to various
                                                         columns in media to promote consumer related information and
                                                         introduce the EAA’s work.

            Ϥ̮d္၍҅׵ϋʫʱйτરəՇఙΤމ˜ҳ༟ڢ                       In addition, the EAA organised two public seminars titled “Be Smart
            Иσfʹ׸ਪၾഈ™ʿ˜ऎ̮ໄุεࠦ∰™ٙʮක                       in Non-residential Property Transactions” and “Points to Note on
            ᑺࢭf                                          Purchasing Properties Situated outside Hong Kong” during the year.

            ᅅज़္၍҅20մϋ                                    Celebrating the EAA’s 20  anniversary

            ί္၍҅ᅅज़І1997ϓͭ˸Ըٙ20մϋߏׂʘყd                    On the occasion of the EAA’s 20  anniversary since its inauguration
            ҅˙ᑘ፬ə௫̈ήପ˾ଣᆤd˸ආɓӉપᄿήପ˾                       in 1997, the EAA organised the Outstanding Estate Agent Award to
            ଣБุٙਖ਼ุd࿁ุޢ௫̈੽ุࡰٙϓఱʚ˸ٵ                        further promote the professionalism of the estate agency trade and
            ֛dһމุޢ౤Զʹݴʿ౤ʺਖ਼ุ˥̨̻̻ٙf                        recognise the achievement of outstanding practitioners in the
                                                         industry. It also serves as a platform for industry exchange and
                                                         professionalism enhancement.

            ္၍҅׵2017ϋ࠯፬˸ɽਖ਼͛މ࿁൥ٙฆཥᅂˢ                      With an aim to promote young people’s understanding of the
            ᒄdϙί౤ʺϋڡɛ࿁ήପ˾ଣБุٙə༆d੽ʕ                       estate agency trade so as to build up their interest and trust in the
            ੃ቮ˼ࡁ࿁Бุٙጳሳձڦ΂d˸ʿ౤ʺБุٙਖ਼                       industry and enhance the trade’s professional image, the EAA
            ุҖ൥f                                         organised its first Micro Movie Competition for post-secondary
                                                         students in 2017.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      17
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