Page 12 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 12


            Chairman’s Message

            ۃԓʘᔧ ܝԓʘᛡ                                    Disappointment and expectations

            ኋ၍Ңࡁʊί͍ࠐʘɪdɓԬ˿ɛೌجટաٙԫ΁                       Although we are on the right track, sometimes unacceptable events
            ʥ್೯͛əfڐಂϞᗫήପ˾ଣ׵ɓ˓ᅽᆵቖਯஈ                       do happen. The recent incidents involving estate agents fighting at
            ೯͛͂৸ԫ΁݊ഒ࿁ʔঐ࢙Ҝٙd͵˿዆ࡈุޢႆ                       sale-sites of first-hand residential properties are absolutely
            ୢf௅ʱุޢ৷ᄴਗ਼ԫ΁ᓥշ׵˾ଣཾεഎˇϾኬ                       intolerable, and have brought disrepute to the entire trade. Some
            ߧБุᘩنዧडdவྼ᙮ೌ࣬ኽٙᔟɹfவԬԫ΁                       industry leaders blame the disorder on the intense competition
            ٙॆ͍ϓΪd݊͟׵ࡈйήପ˾ଣʮ̡ܸݼ˄ε˾                       caused by the high number of agents competing for too little
            ଣձӚϞ೐๫ٙࡰʈՑቖਯஈם઀ᚥ܄fՉྼdೌ                       business. This is an unfounded excuse. The true reason is individual
            ሞ̹ఙٙᘩنνОዧडdԴ͜ᅳɢ̘༆Ӕਪᕚே݊                       estate agency companies have assigned too many agents and
            ഒʔঐટաf                                       unlicensed staff to the sale-sites to garner customers. No matter
                                                         how competitive it is, use of violence is absolutely unacceptable.

            ᒱ್dҢࡁೌجкᓙ˾ଣٙᅰοϞεྺʑၑ݊࿁ุ                       While we cannot guess how many agents would be “just right” for
            ޢ˜࡝࡝λ™d͵ӚϞ΂Оجܛਿᓾ̘ࠢՓᅽᆵቖਯ                      the trade, and we do not have any legal basis to limit the number
            ஈٙήପ˾ଣɛᅰdШ္၍҅ึ࿁ʔ຅ή༶͜ήପ                       of agents present at the sale-sites, the EAA can take punitive
            ˾ଣձೌ೐ࡰʈٙήପ˾ଣʮ̡મ՟ᕾஈБਗfί                       actions against those estate agency companies that use agents and
            ஈଣ͂৸ԫ΁˙ࠦdҢࡁйೌ˼جd̥λϗၡ޴ᗫ                       unlicensed staff inappropriately. In dealing with the fighting, we
            ੂุܸˏʿ̋ࠠஈʱf္၍҅ϞӔː༿˟޴ᗫٙʔ                       have no other option but to tighten the practice rules and raise the
            ຅Бމf΂О༼ˀܸˏٙɛɻdʔሞ݊ਞၾ͂৸ٙ                       severity of punitive actions. The EAA is determined to put such
            ܵ೐ɛא݊ᐽ࢙ᅳɢБމٙήପ˾ଣʮ̡dѩࠅࠦ                       misbehaviours to a stop. Any offenders, be it a licensee engaged in
            ᑗᘌࠠܝ؈f္၍҅ഒʔ࢙஢΂О࢔໊ʘ৵ॎᕸุ                       a fight, or a member of an agency company management
            ޢԔ߮ܔͭ੻Ըٙᑊᚑf                                  promulgating such violence, will face severe consequences. The
                                                         EAA will not allow a few black sheep to ruin the reputation of the
                                                         trade, which the majority of our agents deserve.

            ๟௪ఱၫ ഄྌ͊Ը                                    Investing in the future

            މԴ္၍҅ٙᐄ༶ϓ͉ձ೐๫൬͜˥̻ڗჃၪܵᖢ                       With a view to stabilising the EAA’s operating costs and the level of
            ਄d္၍҅ʊ׵ࣵᝄᒅໄอ፬ʮ܃dߒϞ50%ٙܝ                      licence fees in the long run, the EAA has acquired a new office in
            ාࡰʈਗ਼׵2018ϋቋֻอѧʈЪfІໄ፬ʮ܃ৰঐ                     Chai Wan. Roughly 50% of our back office staff force will move
            ࢙ॶߒɓ̒ࡰʈdԨঐᔟϤື޲ߒɓ̒ٙॡږක                        there in 2018. With a self-owned office that can house about half
            ቖdʿתቖॡږɪʺٙ൬͜d੽ϾಯЭίʔɮਗ਼Ը                       of the staff force, the EAA will be able to hedge half of its rental
            ࠅᄣ̋೐๫൬̙ٙ͜ঐ׌f                                 expenses against rental increase, which will be helpful in reducing
                                                         the possibility of a license fee increase in the near future.

         10     &45"5& "(&/54 "65)03*5: t Annual Report 2017/18
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