Page 83 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 83

ጐ฽ਞၾੂج Proactive in Law Enforcement

            ఱͭجึஷཀ2018ῧᏘݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږᘪ                     Subsequent to the passing of the Anti-Money Laundering and
            ණ€ږፄዚ࿴€ࡌࠈૢԷ‘€˴᜗ૢԷҷ၈͂Ꮨݹ                    Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) (Amendment)
            ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږᘪණૢԷ‘dਗ਼ܸ֛ʹ׸ɨٙج                      Ordinance 2018 (with the principal ordinance renamed as the Anti-
            ֛းᔖᄲݟʿ௪πা፽஝֛ᓒ࢝Їܸ֛ڢږፄБุ                       Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance
           €ܼ̍ήପ˾ଣd္၍҅೯̈ɓ΅޴ᗫٙੂุஷ                        (“AMLO”)) at the Legislative Council, which extends the statutory
            ѓdމܵ೐ɛί࠰ಥਞၾऒʿމ܄˒൯ርήପʹ׸                       customer due diligence and record-keeping requirements in specified
            ࣛ౤Զኬˏf࣬ኽவ΅ੂุஷѓdήପ˾ଣ̀඲મ                       transactions to designated non-financial businesses and professions
            ՟הϞΥଣણ݄˸ಯЭݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿᘪණ༟ږٙ                       (including estate agents), the EAA issued a relevant practice circular to
            ࠬᎈdԨᆽڭʊϞቇ຅ٙཫԣણ݄fމୌՐ͂Ꮨݹ                      provide guidance for licensees when they are involved, in Hong Kong,
            ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږᘪණૢԷ‘ٙ޴ᗫ஝֛dήପ˾ଣ                      in a transaction concerning the buying or selling of real estate for a
            ʮ̡ʿՉ৷ॴ၍ଣᄴᏐՓ֛Ԩྼ݄΢ධ݁ഄe೻ҏ                       client. According to the practice circular, estate agents must take all
            ʿ၍છણ݄dܼ̍ࠬᎈ൙Пeးᔖᄲݟણ݄eܵᚃ                       reasonable steps to mitigate the risk of money-laundering and terrorist
            ္࿀܄˒eᑘజ̙ဲʹ׸e௪πߏ፽ʿᔖࡰ੃৅f                       financing as well as to ensure appropriate preventive measures are in
            Ϥੂุஷѓ͵̊೮׵ኮజʕfމ՘пุޢһə༆ʿ                       place. To fulfill the relevant requirements in the AMLO, estate agency
            ፭ς༈ੂุஷѓٙ஝֛ʿ͂Ꮨݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږ                      companies and their senior management should establish and
            ᘪණૢԷ‘ٙ޴ᗫૢ˖d္၍҅ၣ१౤Զəɓࢁ˜ਪ                      implement various policies, procedures and monitoring measures,
            ၾഈ™e˜ԒʱࣨྼڌࣸᇍԷ™ʿ˜ܵ೐ɛٙ૶ఊ™Զ                     including risk assessment, customer due diligence measures,
            ุޢਞϽf                                        continuous monitoring of customers, suspicious transactions
                                                         reporting, record-keeping and staff training. The practice circular was
                                                         also published in the Gazette. To assist the trade to better understand
                                                         and comply with the requirements of the practice circular and the
                                                         relevant provisions of the AMLO, a set of related “Questions and
                                                         Answers”, “Sample Identity Verification Forms” and a “Checklist for
                                                         Licensees” were provided at the EAA website for the trade’ reference.

            ҳൡၾԚݟ                                        Complaints and Inspections

            ஈଣҳൡၾݟ༔                                      Complaints and enquiries handling
            ္၍҅׵2017/18ϋܓટᐏ425֚ҳൡd༰2016/17               In 2017/18, the EAA received 425 complaints, a decrease of 11%
            ϋܓٙ477֚ಯˇə11%f್ϾdϞᗫɓ˓Иσي                     from 477 complaints in 2016/17. However, the complaints concerning
            ุቖਯٙҳൡ༰2016/17ϋܓٙ74֚dჀฆɪʺЇ                   the sale of first-hand residential properties had a slight increase from
            2017/18ϋܓٙ80֚f425֚ٙҳൡܸ၈˴ࠅऒʿ                  74 cases in 2016/17 to 80 cases in 2017/18. Key allegations of the
            ʔѼഛஈଣᑗࣛ൯ርΥߒ€אᑗࣛॡߒe౤Զʔ๟                      425 complaints included mishandling the provisional agreement for
            ᆽאՈႬኬ׌ٙيุ༟ࣘd˸ʿ೯̈༼஝ᄿѓfЇ                       sale and purchase (or the provisional tenancy agreement), providing
            ׵ऒʿɓ˓Иσيุቖਯ௰੬Ԉٙҳൡۆܼ̍j͊                       inaccurate or misleading property information and issuing non-
            ϞᄵБΫᗍוፕe೯̈༼஝ᄿѓʿ౤ԶՈႬኬ׌ܲ                       compliant advertisement. The most common complaints related to
            ౧༟ࣘf                                         first-hand residential properties included failure to honour rebate
                                                         promises, issuance of non-compliant advertisements, and provision of
                                                         misleading mortgage information.

                                                              ಯˇə 11%f
                                                              In 2017/18, the EAA received 425 complaints, a decrease of 11%
                                                              from 477 complaints in 2016/17.
                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      81
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88