Page 69 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 69

౤ʺҪᗫણ݄ Advance in Gatekeeping

            ༟ࣸϽ༊ܼ̍Շࡈ௅ʱdՉʕɓ௅ʱމዹͭ༊ᕚd                       The qualifying examinations comprise two parts — one consisting
            ̤ɓ௅ʱމࡈࣩʱؓfϽ͛̀඲ίՇࡈ௅ʱѩ՟੻                       of stand-alone questions and the other of questions on case studies.
            Υࣸϓᐶd˙ঐஷཀϽ༊f                                 Candidates are required to pass both parts in order to pass the

            Ͻ༊ٙୋɓ௅ʱ಻༊Ͻ͛࿁ήପ˾ଣ༟ࣸϽ༊ʿᐄ                       Part 1 of the examination is intended to test candidates’ knowledge
            ุࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊ʫ࢙ၤࠅʕ΢ࡈᇍᖚٙႩᗆiୋɚ௅                       of various parts of the syllabi of the EAQE and SQE while Part 2 is
            ʱۆ˸ၝΥ˙ό಻༊Ͻ͛ఱήପ˾ଣאᐄุࡰᏐՈ                       intended to test in an integrated way the practical knowledge
            ௪ٙྼਕٝᗆf                                      expected of estate agents or salespersons.

            һอϽ༊஝ۆ                                       Updated regulations
            މᆽڭϽ༊ڦྼ̙ቦd္၍҅І2017ϋ10˜ৎྼ                     To ensure the integrity of examinations, the EAA implemented a
            ݄༟ࣸϽ༊ࠠϽ݁ഄfίอ݁ഄɨdϽ༊஝ۆהࠈ                       qualifying examination retake policy effective from the October
            ׼ٙݔԬɛɻਗ਼ʔᐏࡘజϽאᏐϽ༟ࣸϽ༊f                         2017. Under the new policy, certain persons specified in the
                                                         examination regulations would not be allowed to register or sit for
                                                         the examinations.

            Ͻ͛ɛᅰ                                         Number of candidates
            ί2017/18ϋܓdజϽήପ˾ଣ༟ࣸϽ༊ٙɛᅰމ                    A total of 5,668 candidates registered for the EAQE and 8,037
            5,668ɛdజϽᐄุࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊ٙɛᅰۆމ8,037                   candidates registered for the SQE in 2017/18, representing an
            ɛdՇ٫ʱй༰̘ϋɪʺߒ21.4%ʿ21.8%f                     increase of about 21.4% and 21.8% respectively over those of the
                                                         previous year.

            ၾ2016/17ϋܓ޴ˢdྼყᏐϽήପ˾ଣ༟ࣸϽ༊                    Compared to that in 2016/17, the number of candidates actually
            ٙɛᅰɪʺߒ21.2%Ї5,103ɛdϾᏐϽᐄุࡰ༟                   sitting the EAQE increased by about 21.2% to 5,103 and in the
            ࣸϽ༊ٙɛᅰۆɪʺߒ24.5%Ї7,078ɛf                      case of the SQE it also increased by about 24.5% to 7,078.

            ί2017/18ϋܓdήପ˾ଣ༟ࣸϽ༊ʿᐄุࡰ༟ࣸ                    In 2017/18, the average pass rate for the EAQE and SQE were
            Ͻ༊̻ٙѩΥࣸଟʱйމ27.8%ʿ36.8%dϾ                     27.8% and 36.8% respectively, as against 38.0% and 38.6%
            2016/17ϋܓՇࡈϽ༊ٙΥࣸଟۆމ38.0%ʿ                    respectively in 2016/17.

            ήପ˾ଣ༟ࣸϽ༊                                            ᐄุࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊
            Estate Agents Qualifying Examination                Salespersons Qualifying Examination

              2015/16  33.7%                                     2015/16  45.5%
                                   4,275                                                   6,126

              2016/17  38.0%                                     2016/17  38.6%
                                  4,210                                                5,684

              2017/18 27.8%                                      2017/18  36.8%
                                      5,103                                                    7,078

                  0   1,000  2,000  3,000  4,000  5,000  6,000  7,000  0  1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000  8,000

             Υࣸଟ Pass rate  Ͻ͛ɛᅰ Number of examination candidates

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      67
   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74