Page 64 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
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            Events and Activities

            ္၍҅20մϋᅅՊၚശ                                  Highlights of the EAA’s 20

            2017ϋ݊ήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘཯̺ʿ္၍҅ϓͭ20մ                    The year of 2017 marked the 20  anniversary of the enactment of
            ϋfމϤd҅˙τરəɓஹЕݺਗၾܵ೐ɛʿՉ˼                       the Estate Agents Ordinance and the establishment of the EAA. A
            ္၍҅ܵ΅٫ɓΝᅅज़f                                  series of events were held to celebrate this special occasion with the
                                                         licensees and other EAA’s stakeholders.

            ௫̈ήପ˾ଣᆤ                                      Outstanding Estate Agent Award
            ቇுϓͭ20մϋd္၍҅ᑘ፬˜௫̈ήପ˾ଣᆤ™d                     To further promote the professionalism of the estate agency trade
            ˸ආɓӉપᄿήପ˾ଣุޢٙਖ਼ุҖ൥ʿྗ஢௫̈                       and recognise the achievement of outstanding practitioners in the
            ੽ุࡰٙϓఱdԨᔟϤᜫุޢீཀϤ̨̻ʝ޴ʹ                        industry, the EAA introduced the Outstanding Estate Agent Award
            ݴd౤ʺਖ਼ุ˥̻f                                    on its 20  anniversary, which also served as a platform for industry
                                                         exchange and professionalism enhancement.

            ္၍҅΍ᒗሗə15ЗʱйԸІኪஔޢeج֛ዚ࿴ʿ                      A total of 15 representatives from academia, statutory bodies and
            ၾήପޢϞᗫٙਖ਼ุଡ଼ᔌ˾ڌଡ଼ϓڋ፯൙ᄲʃଡ଼d                       professional institutes related to the real estate sector were invited
            Ͼ୞፯൙ᄲʃଡ଼ۆ̤̮͟ʞЗ൙ᄲଡ଼ϓd္ܼ̍၍                       to form the Preliminary Selection Panel for the Award, while five
            ҅˴ࢩ૑͑ୂ௹ɻSBS˄̻୛ɻe္၍҅ਓ˴ࢩ࿋                      other judges including Dr William Leung Wing-cheung, SBS, JP,
            ͗ޛ˄̻୛ɻe္၍҅ϓࡰࡒऊ൬٫։ࡰึᐼ฀ԫ                       Chairman of the EAA; Ms Elaine Liu Yuk-ling, JP, Vice-chairman of
            රჾ㛮ɾɻeɓ˓Иσيุቖਯ္၍҅ਖ਼ࡰ௓ඓᄃ                       the EAA; Ms Gilly Wong Fung-han, EAA member and Chief
            ˄̻୛ɻd˸ʿ࠰ಥʕ˖ɽኪՙઽឈఙኪᑺࢭ઺બ                       Executive of Consumer Council; Mr Philip Chan Kwan-yee, JP,
            ஢ห˖઺બf                                       Director of Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Authority; and
                                                         Professor Michael Hui King-man, Choh-ming Li Professor of
                                                         Marketing of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, formed the
                                                         Final Selection Panel.

            ᆤධ͟ɽߒ100З͡ሗ٫ᘩ஼fڋ፯൙ᄲʃଡ଼࣬ኽ                      About 100 applications were received. Judges from the Preliminary
            ̬ࡈࡡۆԸ൙ࣨ͡ሗdʱйމப΂ชe༐ڦܓeᎴ                       Selection Panel evaluated the applications based on four criteria,
            ሯ؂ਕʿ͍ࠦጐ฽fί௫̈ήପ˾ଣᆤʿ௫̈อɛ                       namely, level of responsibility, level of integrity, service excellence
            ᆤՇࡈᆤධᗳйʕdʱйϞɞЗʿʬЗࡉ፯ɛɝ                        and positiveness. Eight and six candidates were respectively
            ఖf୞፯൙ᄲʃଡ଼ۆீཀ௰ܝࠦ༊Ը፯̈੻ᆤ٫f                       shortlisted for the Outstanding Estate Agent Award category and
                                                         the Outstanding Newcomer Award category. Final interviews were
                                                         conducted by the Final Selection Panel to select the awardees.

            ӏێ஁ɾɻᐏ཯೯௫̈ήପ˾ଣᆤdϾՈϞགྷ20ϋ                      Ms Lily Shum was awarded the winner of the Outstanding Estate
            Бʫ຾᜕ٙெᅃڥ΋͛ձᄎΈᘴ௹ɻdۆʱйᐏ੻                       Agent Award, while Mr Tony Kwok and Dr Joseph Lau, both with
            ՙ൳Б্ุᘠᆤʿՙ൳ุਕ֚ϙᆤfЇ׵௫̈อɛ                       over 20 years’ experience in the industry, garnered the Outstanding
            ᆤۆʱй͟ᖯ͗ᆎɾɻeಀਃ࿲΋͛eմτ؇΋͛                       Trade Contribution Award and the Outstanding Business Philosophy
            ʿࢱ၅ϓ΋͛ᐏ੻ڿeԭe֙ࠏʿᎴମᆤf                          Award respectively. For the category of Outstanding Newcomer
                                                         Award, Ms Candy Law, Mr Ackman Tsang, Mr Anton Chow and Mr
                                                         Sam Chin were awarded the Champion, first runner-up, second
                                                         runner-up and merit award respectively.

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