Page 72 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 72


            Advance in Gatekeeping

            Number of attempts at examinations

              ήପ˾ଣ༟ࣸϽ༊                                          ᐄุࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊
              Estate Agents Qualifying Examination              Salespersons Qualifying Examination

                                          48.5%                                              46.7%

                        19.6%                                               20.0%

                   13.7%                                                 16.8%

                       18.2%                                            16.5%

               0%     10%     20%    30%     40%     50%          0%      10%    20%     30%     40%    50%

              ࠯ϣᏐϽ First attempt  ୋɚϣᏐϽ Second attempt  ୋɧϣא˸ɪᏐϽ Third attempt or above  ༟ࣘʔ༉ Unknown

            ཥ໘ʷϽ༊ٙ๟௪ԫ֝                                   Preparing for computer-based examinations
            މၾࣛԨආd౤ʺ္၍҅ٙҖ൥d˸ʿᄣ̋ତϞϽ                       With a view to enhancing the EAA’s image by keeping pace with
            ༊ٙ༶Ъࣖଟd္၍҅׵ϋʫ޼Ӻ˸ཥ໘ʷϽ༊ٙ                       the modern era and increasing the efficiency of the existing
            Җό౤Զ༟ࣸϽ༊̙ٙБ׌f                                examination operation, the EAA explored in the year the feasibility
                                                         of providing the qualifying examinations in a computer-based
                                                         examination (“CBE”) format.

            ္၍҅ࠇྌ΋ίᐄุࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊ˏɝཥ໘ʷϽ༊d                       The EAA plans to introduce CBE to SQE first, while the conventional
            ϾίΌࠦྼБཥ໘ʷϽ༊ʘۃd҅˙ʥึ౤Զ˸ෂ                       paper-based examination (“PBE”) would continue to be available
            ୕༊՜ҖόආБٙᐄุࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊ʿήପ˾ଣ༟ࣸ                       for both SQE and EAQE before the full implementation of
            Ͻ༊f                                          computerised examinations.

            ္၍҅ʊఱ։΂؂ਕԶᏐਠ౤Զཥ໘ʷձ༊՜Җό                       A formal procurement exercise was conducted for the appointment
            ٙ༟ࣸϽ༊d˸ʿၣɪజϽ؂ਕ࢝කə͍όٙમᒅ                       of a service provider for administering the qualifying examinations
            ೻ҏf္၍҅ٙͦᅺ݊׵2019ϋʕપБཥ໘ʷٙᐄ                     in both CBE and PBE formats, as well as providing an online
            ุࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊f                                      registration service. The EAA aims to implement the CBE in SQE in

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