Page 65 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 65

ݺਗΫᚥ Events and Activities

            ฆཥᅂˢᒄ                                        Micro Movie Competition
            މᄣආϋڡɓ˾࿁ήପ˾ଣБุٙə༆d੽Ͼܔͭ                       To promote young people’s understanding of the estate agency
            ˼ࡁ࿁Бุٙڦ΂ʿ౤ʺุޢٙਖ਼ุҖ൥d္၍҅                       trade so as to build up their trust in the industry and enhance the
            ቇு20մϋᑘ፬əฆཥᅂˢᒄf                              trade’s professional image, a Micro Movie Competition was also
                                                         organised by the EAA on the occasion of its 20  anniversary.

            28ࡈਞᒄ٫Ŋඟͼ੽˸ɨɧࡈ˴ᕚʕܿ፯ՉɓԨ౤                      28 participants/teams submitted their shooting proposals based on
            ʹשᙲࠇྌࣣd຅ʕܼ̍˜ໄุτ֢  Ό፠ϞЫ™e                     a choice of three themes, namely, “Acquiring a Dream Home with
           ˜రҬ࿁ٙʕගɛ™˸ʿ˜༐ڦgτ֢gήପ˾ଣ™d                      Your Devotion”, “Finding the Right Middleman” and “Integrity,
            Ԩ္͟၍҅ϓࡰʿԸІήପุeཥᅂุձኪஔޢٙ                       Home, Estate Agents”. A judging panel consisted of EAA members
            ˾ڌଡ଼ϓٙ൙ᄲྠމΥ༟ࣸٙਞᒄЪۜ൙ʱfɞࡈ                       and representatives from the real estate sector, filming sector and
            ɝఖਞᒄ٫Ŋඟͼί္၍҅ٙשᙲ༟пɨdႡЪՉ                       academia was formed to score the qualified applications. Eight
            ฆཥᅂ˸ᘩ஼ᆤධfኹϞᔮబБุ຾᜕္ٙ၍҅ϓ                       participants/teams were shortlisted to produce their micro movies
            ࡰ͵ᐏᒗܸኬவԬɝఖٙਞၾ٫Ŋඟͼdᜫ˼ࡁһ                       with a shooting subsidy funded by the EAA to compete for the
            ə༆ήପ˾ଣุf                                     awards. EAA members who are experienced industry practitioners
                                                         were also invited to coach these shortlisted participants/teams in
                                                         order to increase their understanding of the estate agency industry.

            ္၍҅20մϋฆཥᅂˢᒄ͟࠰ಥʮකɽኪኪ͛הଡ଼                      The EAA 20  Anniversary Micro Movie Competition was won by
            ϓٙArtillery Production௷̈f˼ࡁ˸˜రҬ࿁ٙʕ           “Artillery Production”, a team of students from The Open University
            ගɛ™މ˴ᕚשᙲəɓᙦΤމ˜၊֢™ٙฆཥᅂd݂                      of Hong Kong. Based on the theme of “Finding the Right
            ԫᑺࠑɓЗήପ˾ଣνОᏍпɓЗ੏੏ஜ੻อ֢d                       Middleman”, their award winning micro-movie titled “Warm Place”
            ၾμٙՅɿࠠอ՟੻ᑌᖩfהϞ੻ᆤٙฆཥᅂʊɪ                       is a story about an estate agent helping a granny to search for a
            ༱Ї္၍҅ٙYouTube᎖༸Զʮ଺ᝈሧf                        new home and reconnect with her son. All the awarded micro-
                                                         movies were uploaded to the EAA’s YouTube channel for public

            ᅅज़ৢึ                                         Cocktail reception
            ᅅज़္၍҅ϓͭ20մϋٙৢึ׵2017ϋ11˜2˚                    A cocktail reception was held on 2 November 2017 at the Hong
            ৿࠰ಥึᙄ࢝ᚎʕːᑘБdԨ͟༶፩ʿג܊҅ਓ҅                       Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre to celebrate the EAA’s 20
            ڗᘽਃ˖௹ɻBBS˄̻୛ɻʿ္၍҅˴ࢩ૑͑ୂ௹                      anniversary of establishment. The cocktail reception was officiated
            ɻSBS˄̻୛ɻ˴ᓿf຅˚ߒϞ300ЗႷ܄̈ࢩd̍                    by Dr Raymond So Wai-man, BBS, JP, the Under Secretary for
            ܼତ΂ʿۃ΂္၍҅໨ԫ҅ϓࡰʿ໨ԫ҅։΂ϓ                        Transport and Housing and Dr William Leung Wing-cheung, SBS,
            ࡰeͭجึᙄࡰd˸ʿԸІʔΝִ݁௅ژeήପ˾                       JP, Chairman of the EAA. Around 300 guests attended the cocktail
            ଣุਠึeʮᐄዚ࿴dਖ਼ɪ઺ԃձ੃৅ዚ࿴˸ʿอ                       reception, including current and former EAA Board members and
            ̋սήପ˾ଣᙄึٙεЗ˾ڌf҅˙ίึఙʫணໄ                       Board-appointed members, members of the Legislative Council, and
            ္࢝ؐ࢝ͪ၍҅ཀ̘20ϋٙࠠࠅԢ೻຦dΝࣛίৢ                      representatives of Government departments, estate agency trade
            ึɪʮ̺௫̈ήପ˾ଣᆤձฆཥᅂˢᒄٙഐ؈dԨ                       associations, public bodies, tertiary and training institutions and the
            Σ੻ᆤ٫཯೯ᆤධf                                    Council for Estate Agencies of Singapore. Display panels were
                                                         exhibited at the venue to present the EAA’s key milestones in the
                                                         past 20 years. The results of the Outstanding Estate Agent Award
                                                         and the Micro Movie Competition were also announced at the
                                                         cocktail reception and the awards were presented to the winners.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      63
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