Page 68 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 68


            Advance in Gatekeeping

            ༟ࣸϽ༊                                         Qualifying Examinations

            ஷཀ޴ᗫٙ༟ࣸϽ༊d݊ᐏ՟೐๫˸੽ԫήପ˾ଣ                       Passing the relevant qualifying examination is one of the
            БุٙՉʕɓࡈ΋Ӕૢ΁f္၍҅ͦۃ౤ԶՇᗳ༟                       prerequisites for obtaining a licence to practise in the estate agency
            ࣸϽ༊dʱйމj(i)ήପ˾ଣ༟ࣸϽ༊ʿ(ii)ᐄุࡰ                  industry. Currently, the Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) offers two
            ༟ࣸϽ༊d˸൙ПϞқ̋ɝήପ˾ଣุٙɛɻ݊щ                       types of qualifying examinations, namely: (i) the Estate Agents
            Ո௪౤Զήପ˾ଣ؂ਕהცٙٝᗆf                             Qualifying Examination (“EAQE”) and (ii) the Salespersons
                                                         Qualifying Examination (“SQE”) to assess whether persons who
                                                         wish to enter the trade do possess the requisite knowledge to
                                                         provide estate agency services.

            ஷཀήପ˾ଣ༟ࣸϽ༊ٙϽ̙͛͡ሗήପ˾ଣ€ࡈ                       A candidate who passes the EAQE may apply for either an estate
            ɛ೐๫אᐄุࡰ೐๫iϾஷཀᐄุࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊ٙϽ                      agent’s licence (individual) or a salesperson’s licence. A candidate
            ͛ۆස̙͡ሗᐄุࡰ೐๫f                                 who passes the SQE can apply for a salesperson’s licence only.

            ༟ࣸϽ༊͟࠰ಥϽ༊ʿ൙ࣨ҅˾ڌ္၍҅ᑘ፬f                        The qualifying examinations are administered by the Hong Kong
                                                         Examinations and Assessment Authority on behalf of the EAA.

                                                              The EAA organises qualifying examinations to assess whether
                                                              persons possess the requisite knowledge to provide estate agency
            A comparison of the EAQE and SQE:
                                   ήପ˾ଣ༟ࣸϽ༊                              ᐄุࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊
                                   EAQE                                  SQE
             ϣᅰ                    ӊϋ4ϣ                                  ӊ  ϋ  6ϣ
             Frequency             4 times a year                        6 times a year
             Ͻ༊ࣛග                  3ʃࣛ                                   2ʃࣛ30ʱᙒ
             Examination Time      3 hours                               2 hours 30 minutes

             ༊ᕚᅰͦ                  ୋɓ௅΅j30ૢዹͭ༊ᕚ                          ୋɓ௅΅j40ૢዹͭ༊ᕚ
             Number of Questions   Part 1:  30 stand-alone questions     Part 1:  40 stand-alone questions
                                   ୋɚ௅΅j20ૢ༊ᕚ€ԱኽɓЇՇࡈࡈࣩʱؓ                ୋɚ௅΅j10ૢ༊ᕚ€ԱኽɓЇՇࡈࡈࣩʱؓ
                                   Part 2:  20 questions based on one or two case   Part 2:  10 questions based on one or two case
                                         studies                               studies

             Җό                                                    εධ፯኿ᕚ
             Format                                           Multiple-choice questions
             Υࣸʱᅰ                                              ӊ௅ʱ௰ˇცഈ࿁60%
             Pass Mark                                  At least 60% of correct answers in each part

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