Page 73 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 73

౤ʺҪᗫણ݄ Advance in Gatekeeping

            ೯೐                                           Licensing

            ೯೐Փܓ                                         Licensing Regime
           ήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘஝֛dৰݔԬԷ̮ઋر̮d΂Оί                       As stipulated in the Estate Agents Ordinance (“EAO”) and subject
            ࠰ಥ੽ԫήପ˾ଣʈЪٙɛɻd̀඲ܵϞϞࣖٙ೐                       to certain exceptions, any person practising estate agency work in
            ๫dщۆึᙃ͕جԷf                                   the course of business in Hong Kong must hold a valid licence.
                                                         Failure to do so is an offence.

            ೐๫ʱމՇ၇dʱйމᐄุࡰ೐๫ʿήପ˾ଣ೐                        There are two types of licences, namely, salesperson’s licence and
            ๫fᐄุࡰ೐๫සึҭʚࡈɛiϾήପ˾ଣ೐๫ۆ                       estate agent’s licence. A salesperson’s licence may only be granted
            ̙ҭʚࡈɛאʮ̡f                                    to an individual while an estate agent’s licence may be granted
                                                         either to an individual or a company.

            ᐄุࡰ೐๫ၾήପ˾ଣ೐๫ٙ˴ࠅʱйί׵jܵϞ                       The major difference between an estate agent’s licence and a
            ήପ˾ଣ೐๫ٙࡈɛ̙މܵ೐ήପ˾ଣ੽ԫήପ˾                       salesperson’s licence is that a person holding an estate agent’s
            ଣʈЪא˸ዹ༟຾ᐄ٫eΥྫ຾ᐄٙΥྫɛאܵϞ                       licence may perform estate agency work either for a licensed estate
            ήପ˾ଣ೐๫ٙʮ̡໨ԫԒ΅੽ԫήପ˾ଣʈЪf                       agent or in his capacity as a sole proprietor, a partner of a
            ˼͵̙ዄ΂ήପ˾ଣᒍɨݔɓᐄุήᓃٙ຾ଣ dࠋ                      partnership, or a director of a company holding an estate agent’s
            பϞࣖʿዹͭછՓՉุਕf್ϾdܵϞᐄุࡰ೐๫                       licence. He may also be appointed as a manager of an office of an
            ٙɛɻස̙މܵ೐ήପ˾ଣ੽ԫήପ˾ଣʈЪf                        estate agency business responsible for its effective and separate
                                                         control . However, a person holding a salesperson’s licence may
                                                         only perform estate agency work for a licensed estate agent.

            ήପ˾ଣίݔήᓃ˸त֛ᐄุΤ၈຾ᐄήପ˾ଣุ                       Before operating an estate agency business at a particular place of
            ਕۃd̀඲Σ္၍҅͡ሗҭഗᐄุ༉ઋႭ׼ࣣf                        business using a particular business name, an estate agent is
                                                         required to apply for a statement of particulars of business

            ΂Оɛɻ̀඲ୌΥ˸ɨࠅӋd˙̙ᐏ೯ήପ˾ଣ೐                       To be granted an estate agent’s licence or a salesperson’s licence,
            ๫אᐄุࡰ೐๫j                                     an individual must fulfill the following requirements:

            t    ϋတ18๋i                                  t   IBWJOH BUUBJOFE UIF BHF PG    ZFBST

            t    ҁϓʕኪʞϋॴאΝഃ೻ܓٙ઺ԃi                        t   IBWJOH DPNQMFUFE BO FEVDBUJPOBM MFWFM PG 'PSN 'JWF PG
                                                             secondary education or its equivalent;

            t    ίϞᗫٙ༟ࣸϽ༊ʕϽᐏΥࣸϓᐶ iʿ                      t   IBWJOH QBTTFE UIF SFMFWBOU RVBMJGZJOH FYBNJOBUJPO ; and
            t    ஗္၍҅Ⴉމ݊ܵ೐ٙ˜ቇ຅ɛ፯™f                       t   IBWJOH CFFO DPOTJEFSFE CZ UIF &"" B iGJU BOE QSPQFSw

            1    ήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ୋ38ૢ஝֛dήପ˾ଣᒍɨٙӊࡈᐄุή             1    Section 38 of the EAO requires each office of an estate agency business to be
                 ᓃd඲͟ɓΤ຾ଣϞࣖձዹͭٙછՓdϾ༈Τ຾ଣ̀඲މ                   under the effective and separate control of a manager who must be a holder of
                 ήପ˾ଣ೐๫ٙܵϞɛf                                 an estate agent’s licence.
            2    ͡ሗɛ̀඲׵౤ʹ೐๫͡ሗ຅˚ৎࠇٙۃ12ࡈ˜ʫί༟ࣸ              2    The qualifying examination must have been passed within 12 months
                 Ͻ༊ʕϽᐏΥࣸϓᐶf                                  immediately before the date of an application for the grant of a licence.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      71
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