Page 133 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 133

ৌਕజڌ Financial Statements

            13. ༟͉וዄ                                     13. Capital Commitments

                                                                                         2018           2017
                                                                                          ಥʩ            ಥʩ
                                                                                          HK$           HK$

                 ఱᒅໄيุeዚኜʿண௪ʘ                Capital expenditure in respect of the
                   ༟͉ක˕€ʊ׵ڝൗ9ה༉ࠑj   acquisition of property, plant and
                                               equipment, as stated in note 9:

                   —  ʊࠈߒШ͊ίৌਕజڌʕᅡ௪   — contracted but not provided for in the
                                               financial statements                63,000,000              –

            14. ຾ᐄॡ༣וዄ                                   14. Operating Lease Commitments

                 ׵ഐၑ˚d္၍҅ఱॡ͜ᅽρʘʔ̙࿛ቖʘ຾                        At the end of the reporting period, EAA had commitments for
                 ᐄॡ༣d׵ɨΐಂගʘ͊Ը௰Эॡ༣ಛධוዄ                        future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable
                 νɨj                                         operating leases in respect of rented premises which fall due
                                                             as follows:

                                                                                         2018           2017
                                                                                          ಥʩ            ಥʩ
                                                                                          HK$           HK$

                 ɓϋʫ                         Within one year                         5,465,680      9,423,600
                 ୋɚЇୋʞϋ€ܼ̍࠯҈Շϋ              In the second to fifth year inclusive           –      5,465,680

                                                                                     5,465,680     14,889,280

                 ຾ᐄॡ༣ಛධɗ္၍҅ఱՉ፬ԫஈᏐ˹ʘॡ                         Operating lease payments represent rentals payable by EAA
                 ږfॡ༣ʿॡږ̻ѩӊɧϋ€2017jɧϋᙄ                      for certain of its office premises. Leases are negotiated for
                 ֛ɓϣf                                        and rentals are fixed for an average term of three years (2017:
                                                             three years).

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