Page 135 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 135

ৌਕజڌ Financial Statements

            16. ږፄʈՈ€ᚃ                                  16. Financial Instruments (Continued)

                 b.  ږፄࠬᎈ၍ଣͦᅺʿ݁ഄ                             b.  Financial risk management objectives
                                                                  and policies
                     ္၍҅ʘ˴ࠅږፄʈՈܼ̍Ꮠϗሪಛe                            EAA’s major financial instruments include debtors, time
                     ֛ಂπಛeვБഐቱeତږʿᏐ˹ሪ                             deposits, bank balances and cash and creditors. Details
                     ಛf༈ഃږፄʈՈ༉ઋ׵΢Іڝൗמ                             of the financial instruments are disclosed in respective
                     ᚣf༈ഃږፄʈՈʘ޴ᗫࠬᎈܼ̹̍ఙ                            notes. The risks associated with these financial
                     ࠬᎈ€ܼ̍лଟࠬᎈeڦ൲ࠬᎈʿݴਗ                           instruments include market risk (including interest rate
                     ༟ږࠬᎈfνОಯჀ༈ഃࠬᎈٙ݁ഄ༱                            risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The policies on how to
                     ׵ɨ˖f၍ଣᄴ၍ଣʿ္છ༈ഃࠬᎈd                            mitigate these risks are set out below. Management
                     ˸ᆽڭ̙ʿࣛʿϞࣖήྼ݄ቇ຅ણ݄f                            manages and monitors these exposures to ensure that
                                                                  appropriate measures are implemented in timely and
                                                                  effective manner.

                     ̹ఙࠬᎈ                                         Market risk
                     ତږݴඎлଟࠬᎈ                                     Cash flow interest rate risk
                     ္၍҅Ϊࠇࢹږፄ༟ପлଟᜊਗٙᅂᚤ                            EAA is exposed to cash flow interest rate risk through
                     Ͼࠦ࿁ତږݴඎлଟࠬᎈfࠇࢹږፄ༟                            the impact of rate changes on interest bearing financial
                     ପ˴ࠅމვБഐቱdΌ᙮೵ಂ׌ሯfΪ                            assets. Interest bearing financial assets are mainly
                     Ϥd͊Ը΂Олଟᜊਗਗ਼ʔึ࿁္၍҅                            balances with banks which are all short term in nature.
                     ʘุᐶிϓࠠɽᅂᚤf                                   Therefore, any future variation in interest rates will not
                                                                  have a significant impact on the results of EAA.

                     ڦ൲ࠬᎈ                                         Credit risk
                     ڦ൲ࠬᎈܸʹ׸࿁˓ʚ͊ঐᄵБΥߒப                            Credit risk refers to the risk that the counterparty will
                     ΂Ͼˏߧ္၍҅ႆաৌਕฦ̰ʘࠬᎈf                            default on its contractual obligations resulting in
                     ္၍҅ึܵᚃ္છʿᄲࣨΪ࿁˓Ͼࠦ࿁                            financial loss to EAA. EAA’s exposure of its
                     ʘڦ൲ࠬᎈf                                       counterparties are continuously monitored, received
                                                                  and approved.

                     މəኋඎಯЭڦ൲ࠬᎈd္၍҅׵ӊࡈ                            In order to minimise the credit risk, EAA reviews the
                     ഐၑ˚ఱᏐϗಛධʘ̙ϗΫږᕘආБᏨ                            recoverable amount of the receivables at the end of
                     ীd˸ᆽڭ࿁ʔ̙ϗΫږᕘ̂ʱࠇၑಯ                            each reporting period to ensure that adequate
                     ࠽ฦ̰fఱϤϾԊd္၍҅ႩމՉڦ൲                            impairment losses are made for irrecoverable amounts.
                     ࠬᎈʊɽషࠥЭf                                     In this regard, EAA considers that EAA’s credit risk is
                                                                  significantly reduced.

                     ֛ಂπಛʿݴਗ༟ږʘڦ൲ࠬᎈʔɽd                            The credit risk on time deposits and liquid funds is
                     ࡡΪ݊ʹ׸࿁˓މՈԄλᑊᚑʘვБf                            limited because the counterparties are banks with good

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