Page 134 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 134


            Financial Statements

            15. ༟͉ࠬᎈ၍ଣ                                   15. Capital Risk Management

                 ္၍҅ٙ༟͉˴ࠅ݊ԸІՉϓͭ˸Ըהଢ଼ጐٙ                        EAA’s capital comprises primarily the fund accumulated since
                 ޮቱfՉ༟͉၍ଣٙͦٙ݊ࠅᆽڭ္၍҅ঐܵ                        its establishment, and its objective when managing the capital
                 ᚃ຾ᐄd˸౤ʺήପ˾ଣٙਖ਼ุ዁ςʿਖ਼ุ˥                        is to ensure that EAA will be able to continue as a going
                 ̻f                                          concern so that it can continue to promote integrity and
                                                             competence of estate agents.

                 ္၍֛҅ಂᏨীԨ၍ଣՉ༟͉ݖ࿴d˸ᆽڭ္                        EAA regularly reviews and manages its capital to ensure
                 ၍҅Ϟ̂ԑٙ༟ږ˸Ъᐄ༶ʿ༟͉ცӋf္၍                        adequacy for both the operational and capital needs. EAA
                 ҅࿁ପ͛ٙޮቱྼБཧᛅݼ݁ഄfޮቱѩᔷɝ                        operates a zero distribution policy with regard to surpluses
                 ༟͉ධͦਿږd˸ཫवЪ˚ܝ̙ঐᒅໄ͑ɮ፬                        generated. Surpluses are transferred to the capital project
                 ʮ܃ٙಛධf                                      fund for the possible acquisition of permanent office
                                                             accommodation in future.

                 ήପ˾ଣӊϋ඲Σ္၍҅ᖮ˹೐๫൬f္၍҅                        EAA charges annual licence fees on the estate agents. EAA
                 ֛ಂᏨীᄣ̋೐๫൬ٙცࠅd˸ᆽڭѼഛʲΥ                        regularly reviews the need to increase licence fees to ensure
                 ᐄ༶ცӋf                                       operational needs are fully covered.

            16. ږፄʈՈ                                     16. Financial Instruments

                 a.  ږፄʈՈᗳй                                  a.  Categories of financial instruments

                                                                                         2018           2017
                                                                                          ಥʩ            ಥʩ
                                                                                          HK$           HK$

                     ږፄ༟ପj                      Financial assets:
                     ൲ಛʿᏐϗಛධ                    Loans and receivables
                       Չ˼Ꮠϗಛ                     Sundry receivables                  1,193,493      1,157,784
                       ʊ˹ܲږ                      Deposit paid                        2,132,268      2,129,682
                       ֛ಂπಛeვБഐቱʿତږ               Time deposits, bank balances and cash  233,179,990  235,157,452

                                                                                  236,505,751     238,444,918

                     ږፄࠋවj                      Financial liabilities:
                     ᛅቖϓ͉                       Amortised costs
                       Ꮠ˹ሪಛ                      Creditors                           8,785,617     10,394,592

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