Page 136 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 136


            Financial Statements

            16. ږፄʈՈ€ᚃ                                  16. Financial Instruments (Continued)

                 b.  ږፄࠬᎈ၍ଣͦᅺʿ݁ഄ€ᚃ                          b.  Financial risk management objectives
                                                                  and policies (Continued)
                     ݴਗ༟ږࠬᎈ                                       Liquidity risk
                     ္၍҅၍ଣᄴ࿁ݴਗ༟ږࠬᎈࠋϞ௰୞                            Ultimate responsibility for liquidity risk management
                     ၍ଣப΂d־ഃʊఱ္၍҅ʘ೵ಂeʕ                            rests with management of EAA, which has built an
                     ಂʿڗಂ༟ږʿݴਗ༟ږ၍ଣ஝֛ܔͭ                            appropriate liquidity risk management framework for
                     ቇ຅ʘݴਗ༟ږࠬᎈ၍ଣ࣪ݖf္၍҅                            the management of EAA’s short, medium and long-
                     ၍ଣᄴீཀၪܵԑ੄Ꮇ௪˸ʿܵᚃ္࿀                            term funding and liquidity management requirements.
                     ཫ಻ʿྼყତږݴඎd˸၍ଣݴਗ༟ږ                            Management of EAA manages liquidity risk by
                     ࠬᎈf                                          maintaining adequate reserves and continuously
                                                                  monitors the forecast and actual cash flows.

                     ɨڌ༱ΐ္၍҅ڢࠃ͛ږፄࠋවʘቱɨ                            The following table details EAA’s remaining contractual
                     ΥߒՑಂ˚f༈ڌɗ࣬ኽ္၍̙҅஗ࠅ                            maturity for its non-derivative financial liabilities on the
                     Ӌ˕˹ږፄࠋවʘ௰Ϙ˚ಂᇜႡd˸ˀ                            agreed repayment terms. The table has been drawn up
                     ݈ږፄࠋවʘ͊൨ତତږݴඎf                               based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial
                                                                  liabilities based on the earliest date on which EAA can
                                                                  be required to pay.

                                                      ̋ᛆ̻ѩ                              ͊൨ତତږ
                                                      ྼყлଟ       0Ї30˂      31Ї60˂       ݴඎᐼᕘ          ሪࠦ࠽
                                                      average                               Total
                                                     effective      0–30       31–60 undiscounted    Carrying
                                                  interest rate     days        days   cash flows    amount
                                                          %          ಥʩ          ಥʩ          ಥʩ         ಥʩ
                                                          %          HK$         HK$         HK$        HK$

                     2018ϋ        2018
                     Ꮠ˹ሪಛ         Creditors                –    8,222,017     563,600   8,785,617   8,785,617

                     2017ϋ        2017
                     Ꮠ˹ሪಛ         Creditors                –     9,991,885    402,707   10,394,592  10,394,592

                 c.  ʮ̻ᄆ࠽                                    c. Fair values
                     ږፄ༟ପʿږፄࠋවʘʮ̻ᄆ࠽dܲ൨                            The fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities
                     ତତږݴඎʱؓ౷ཁમॶʘ֛ᄆᅼόᔾ                            are determined in accordance with generally accepted
                     ֛f                                           pricing models based on discounted cash flow analysis.

                     ္၍҅Ⴉމd׵ৌਕజڌܲᛅቖϓ͉ɝ                            EAA considers that the carrying amounts of financial
                     ሪٙږፄ༟ପʿږፄࠋවʘሪࠦ࠽ၾՉ                            assets and financial liabilities recorded at amortised cost
                     ʮ̻ᄆ࠽޴ߒf                                      in the financial statements approximate their
                                                                  corresponding fair values.

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