Page 128 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 128


            Financial Statements

            3.  ˴ࠅึࠇ݁ഄ€ᚃ                                3.  Significant Accounting Policies

                 ږፄʈՈ€ᚃ                                     Financial instruments (Continued)
                 ୞˟ᆽႩ                                        Derecognition
                 ္၍҅ස׵༟ପତږݴඎʘΥߒᛆл֣တࣛd                        EAA derecognises a financial asset only when the contractual
                 אਗ਼ږፄ༟ପʿ༟ପהϞᛆʘഒɽ௅΅ࠬᎈʿ                        rights to the cash flows from the asset expire, or when it
                 Ϋజᔷᜫʚ̤ɓྼ᜗ࣛ୞˟ᆽႩږፄ༟ପfࡊ                        transfers the financial asset and substantially all the risks and
                 ္၍҅Ԩೌᔷᜫ͵ೌڭवהϞᛆʘഒɽ௅ʱࠬ                        rewards of ownership of the asset to another entity. If EAA
                 ᎈʿΫజdϾᘱᚃછՓʊᔷᜫ༟ପdۆ္၍҅                        neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and
                 ึܲՉܵᚃਞၾ೻ܓᘱᚃᆽႩ༟ପʿ޴ᗫࠋ                         rewards of ownership and continues to control the transferred
                 වfࡊ္၍҅ڭवʊᔷᜫږፄ༟ପהϞᛆʘഒ                        asset, EAA continues to recognise the asset to the extent of
                 ɽ௅ʱࠬᎈʿΫజdۆ္၍҅ᘱᚃᆽႩ༈ږፄ                        its continuing involvement and recognises an associated
                 ༟ପd͵ึఱʊϗ՟ʘה੻ಛධᆽႩʊתץ࠾                        liability. If EAA retains substantially all the risks and rewards of
                 ൲f                                          ownership of a transferred financial asset, EAA continues to
                                                             recognise the financial asset and also recognises a
                                                             collateralised borrowing for the proceeds received.

                 ҁΌ୞˟ᆽႩږፄ༟ପࣛd༈༟ପʘሪࠦ࠽ၾ                        On derecognition of a financial asset in its entirety, the
                 ʊϗʿᏐϗ˾ᄆᐼձʿʊ׵Չ˼Όࠦϗू຅ʕ                        difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the sum
                 ᆽႩʘଢ଼ࠇϗूאᑦฦගʘࢨᕘɗ׵ϗ˕ഐၑ                        of the consideration received and receivable and the
                 ڌʕᆽႩf                                       cumulative gain or loss that had been recognised in other
                                                             comprehensive income is recognised in the statement of
                                                             income and expenditure.

                 ස׵္၍҅ٙப΂༆ৰe՟ऊא֣တࣛd˙୞                        EAA derecognises financial liabilities when, and only when,
                 ˟ᆽႩږፄࠋවf୞˟ᆽႩٙږፄࠋවሪࠦ࠽                        EAA’s obligations are discharged, cancelled or expire. The
                 ၾʊ˹ʿᏐ˹˾ᄆʘࢨᕘ׵ϗ˕ഐၑڌʕᆽ                         difference between the carrying amount of the financial
                 Ⴉf                                          liability derecognised and the consideration paid and payable
                                                             is recognised in the statement of income and expenditure.

                 ॡ༣                                          Leasing
                 ຾ᐄॡ༣ಛධdܲॡ༣ϋಂ˸ٜᇞجᆽႩމක                        Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense on a
                 ˕dઓϞ̤ɓධϞӻ୕׌ʘਿ๟һঐˀ݈ऊ                         straight-line basis over the lease term, except where another
                 ঃdॡ༣༟ପהପ͛ʘ຾᏶ࣖूʘࣛගᅼόۆ                        systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in
                 Ъйሞf                                        which economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed.

                 ࡊ׵ࠈͭ຾ᐄॡ༣̙ࣛ˸ᐏ੻ॡ༣Ꮄ౉dۆϞ                        In the event that lease incentives are received to enter into
                 ᗫᎴ౉ᆽႩމࠋවfᎴ౉ᐼлू˸ٜᇞجᆽႩ                        operating leases, such incentives are recognised as a liability.
                 މॡږක˕ಯˇd̤ɓධϞӻ୕׌ʘਿ๟һঐ                        The aggregate benefit of incentives is recognised as a
                 ˀ݈ऊঃॡ༣༟ପהପ͛ʘ຾᏶ࣖूʘࣛගᅼ                        reduction of rental expense on a straight-line basis over the
                 όۆЪйሞf                                      lease term, except where another systematic basis is more
                                                             representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits
                                                             from the leased asset are consumed.

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