Page 132 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 132


            Financial Statements

            9.  ᒅໄيุeዚኜʿண௪ʘʊ˹                            9.  Deposit Paid For Acquisition of
                 ܲږ                                          Property, Plant and Equipment

                 ׵2018ϋ3˜15˚d္၍҅ၾዹͭୋɧ˙ࠈ                      On 15 March 2018, EAA entered into a sale and purchase
                 ͭəɓ΅൯ር՘ᙄd˸70,000,000ಥʩٙ˾ᄆ                   agreement with an independent third party to purchase an
                 ᒅ൯፬ԫஈʿ৾ԓЗf׵2018ϋ3˜31˚d                      office premise and car parking spaces at the consideration of
                 ္၍҅ʊܲ๫൯ር՘ᙄ˕˹7,000,000ಥʩܲ                    HK$70,000,000. As at 31 March 2018, EAA has paid deposit
                 ږdʿᐼᕘ5,950,210ಥʩٙՉ˼޴ᗫϓ͉f                    of HK$7,000,000 in accordance with the sale and purchase
                 Ϥᒅໄʊ׵2018ϋ4˜12˚ҁϓf                          agreement, and other related cost of total HK$5,950,210.
                                                             The acquisition was completed on 12 April 2018.

            10. ვБഐቱʿତږʿ֛ಂπಛ                             10. Bank Balances and Cash and Time

                 ვБഐቱʿତږ္ܼ̍၍҅ܵϞʘତږʿቱɨ                        Bank balances and cash comprise cash held by EAA and short-
                 Ցಂ˚މ11Ї58˚€2017ϋj11Ї59˚d                   term bank deposits with remaining tenure of 11 to 58 days
                 ܲ຅̹ࣛఙϋлଟʧ˷0.01%Ї1.10%€2017                  (2017: 11 to 59 days) at prevailing market interest rates
                 ϋjʧ˷0.01%Ї0.96%ࠇၑʘ೵ಂვБπ                    ranging from 0.01% to 1.10% per annum (2017: 0.01% to
                 ಛf                                          0.96% per annum).

                 ֛ಂπಛܼ̍ቱɨՑಂ˚މ159˚€2017ϋj                     Time deposits comprise a short-term bank deposit with
                 138Ї159˚dܲ຅̹ࣛఙϋлଟމ1.15%                    remaining tenure of 159 days (2017: 138 to 159 days) at
                €2017ϋjʧ˷0.98%Ї1.15%ࠇၑʘ೵ಂ                   prevailing market interest rate being 1.15% per annum (2017:
                 ვБπಛf                                       0.98% to 1.15% per annum).

                 ္၍҅Ⴉމ༈ഃ༟ପʘሪࠦ࠽ၾՉʮ̻ᄆ࠽޴                        EAA considers that the carrying amounts of these assets
                 ߰f                                          approximate their fair values.

            11. ჈ַϗɝ                                     11. Deferred Income

                 ჈ַϗɝɗܸήପ˾ଣމ೐๫Ϟࣖಂᖮʹʘ೐                        Deferred income represents licence fees received from estate
                 ๫൬d္ܲ၍҅ٙϗɝᆽႩ݁ഄЪ჈ַஈଣf                        agents for a validity period, which are deferred according to
                                                             EAA’s income recognition policy.

            12. ʊϗ೐๫͡ሗಛධ                                 12. Licence Application Fees Received

                 ༈ഃಛධɗܸήପ˾ଣஹΝ೐๫͡ሗɓԻᖮʹ                        These represent amounts paid by estate agents applying for
                 ʘಛධdՉ೐๫͡ሗԨ׵ഐၑ˚ʥίஈଣʕf                        the licences which were still being processed but not yet
                                                             approved at the end of the reporting period.

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