Page 130 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 130


            Financial Statements

            4.  ᗫᒟึࠇкᓙʿПࠇʔᆽ֛Ϊ                            4.  Critical Accounting Judgment and
                 ९ʘ˴ࠅԸ๕ €ᚃ                                  Key Sources of Estimation
                                                             Uncertainty (Continued)

                 Ꮠϗሪಛʘьᕸሪᅡ௪€ᚃ                               Allowances for bad and doubtful debts
                                                             of debtors (Continued)
                 Ӕ֛ࡈйᅡ௪ࣛd္၍҅Ⴉމʊྼ݄մ༉೻ҏ                        In determining individual allowances, EAA has considered that
                 ˸္છϤධࠬᎈfᔾ֛݊щცࠅЪ̈ьᕸሪᅡ                        detailed procedures have been in place to monitor this risk. In
                 ௪ࣛd္၍҅ʊϽᅇሪᙧًرe̙ϗΫʘ̙ঐ                        determining whether allowance for bad and doubtful debts is
                 ׌ʿПࠇ൨ତ͊Ըତږݴඎfत֛ᅡ௪සఱʔ                        required, EAA takes into consideration the aging status, the
                 ɽ̙ঐϗΫʘᏐϗಛධϾЪ̈fࡊ߰Ϥഃሪಛ                        likelihood of collection and the estimated discounted future
                 ᔷᕸdኬߧՉᒔಛঐɢಯৗdۆ̙ঐ඲Ъ̈ᅡ                        cash flows. Specific allowance is made for debtors that are
                 ௪f                                          unlikely to be collected. If the financial conditions of these
                                                             debtors were to deteriorate, resulting in an impairment of
                                                             their ability to make payments, allowances may be required.

            5.  ೐๫൬                                      5. Licence Fees

                                                                                         2018           2017
                                                                                          ಥʩ            ಥʩ
                                                                                          HK$           HK$

                 ೐๫൬ᐼϗɝ                      Total licence fees                    77,302,651      75,528,912

            6.  Ͻ༊൬                                      6. Examination Fees

                                                                                         2018           2017
                                                                                          ಥʩ            ಥʩ
                                                                                          HK$           HK$

                 ήପ˾ଣʿᐄุࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊                Estate agents and salespersons
                                              qualifying examinations                7,811,550      6,191,900
                 ߐʫήၾ࠰ಥᗫ׵ܔͭһၡ੗              Examination for the scheme on mutual
                   ຾൱ᗫڷٙτર‘ɨ — ʕಥਖ਼ุ   recognition of professional qualifications
                   ༟ࣸʝႩϽ༊൬ϗɝ                   for estate agents in the Mainland and
                                               Hong Kong under the Closer Economic
                                               Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)         420,000              –

                                                                                     8,231,550      6,191,900

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