Page 131 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 131

ৌਕజڌ Financial Statements

            7.  ೼ධ                                       7. Taxation

                 ࣬ኽ೼ਕૢԷ‘ୋ87ૢd္၍҅ᐏᒀеᖮॶ                       EAA is exempt from Hong Kong Profits Tax under section 87
                 ࠰ಥл੻೼f                                      of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

            8.  يุeዚኜʿண௪                                 8.  Property, Plant and Equipment

                                                   ॡ༣يุༀࡌ            ӛԓ     ௧ᩬʿༀໄ            ண௪          Υࠇ
                                                    Leasehold      Motor     Furniture
                                                  improvements    vehicles  and fixtures  Equipment     Total
                                                         ಥʩ          ಥʩ          ಥʩ          ಥʩ          ಥʩ
                                                         HK$         HK$         HK$         HK$         HK$

                 ϓ͉             COST
                 ׵2016ϋ4˜1˚     At 1 April 2016       4,579,853    557,264   1,767,907  17,230,483  24,135,507
                 ૴ໄ             Additions               18,900         –        2,180     122,720     143,800

                 ׵2017ϋ3˜31˚    At 31 March 2017      4,598,753    557,264   1,770,087  17,353,203  24,279,307
                 ૴ໄ             Additions               6,880          –           –      578,076     584,956
                 ൗቖ             Disposal                   –           –           –        (2,800)     (2,800)

                 ׵2018ϋ3˜31˚    At 31 March 2018      4,605,633    557,264   1,770,087  17,928,479  24,861,463

                 ұᔚ             DEPRECIATION
                 ׵2016ϋ4˜1˚     At 1 April 2016       4,566,326    557,264   1,682,697  10,560,870  17,367,157
                 ϋʫᅡ௪           Provided for the year   7,036          –       48,852    2,446,353   2,502,241

                 ׵2017ϋ3˜31˚    At 31 March 2017      4,573,362    557,264   1,731,549  13,007,223  19,869,398
                 ϋʫᅡ௪           Provided for the year   19,968         –       26,067    2,249,586   2,295,621
                 ࿛ቖ             Eliminated on disposal     –           –           –        (2,800)     (2,800)

                 ׵2018ϋ3˜31˚    At 31 March 2018      4,593,330    557,264   1,757,616  15,254,009  22,162,219

                 ሪࠦ࠽            NET BOOK VALUES
                 ׵2018ϋ3˜31˚    At 31 March 2018        12,303         –       12,471    2,674,470   2,699,244

                 ׵2017ϋ3˜31˚    At 31 March 2017        25,391         –       38,538    4,345,980   4,409,909

                 يุeዚኜʿண௪ұᔚɗܲՉПࠇԴ͜ϋಂ˸                        Depreciation is recognised to write off the cost of items of
                 ٜᇞجܲ˸ɨϋଟ࿛ቖՉϓ͉j                              property, plant and equipment over their estimated useful
                                                             lives, using the straight-line method, at the following rates
                                                             per annum:

                 ॡ༣يุༀࡌ              20%אܲॡ༣ϋಂ               Leasehold          20% or over the period of the lease
                                       €ࡊˇ׵ʞϋ                improvements        term if it is less than 5 years
                 ӛԓ                  30%                     Motor vehicles     30%
                 ௧ᩬʿༀໄ               20%                     Furniture and fixtures  20%
                 ண௪                  20%Ї30%                 Equipment          20% to 30%

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      129
   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136