Page 98 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 98


            Forward Looking in Knowledge Instillation

            ౤ʺਖ਼ุ዁ςٙܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌݺਗ                              CPD Activities for Promotion of Professional
            މ̋੶࿁༐ڦʿਖ਼ุ዁ςٙࠠൖd္၍҅ၾก݁ʮ                       To highlight the importance of integrity and ethical practices, CPD
            ໇eڭτ҅ຫݭஈʿᑌΥৌబઋజଡ଼֛ಂΥ፬əε                       courses/activities jointly organised by the EAA, the Independent
            ఙܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌሙ೻Ŋݺਗfϋʫd҅˙නлᑘБ                       Commission Against Corruption, the Narcotics Division of the
            əɞධሙ೻Ŋݺਗd˸Σܵ೐ɛ౤ԶϞᗫ͂Ꮨݹ                        Security Bureau and the Joint Financial Intelligence Unit were
            ፺eԣ˟༡༤eѼഛ၍طʿϞࣖʫ௅္છഃجԷٙ                       regularly held. During the year, eight courses/activities were
            ௰อٝᗆf                                        successfully held to provide up-to-date knowledge on the
                                                         legislations in relation to anti-money laundering, corruption
                                                         prevention, proper governance and effective management control.

            ܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌᆤᎸʿྗ஢ᆤ௝                                CPD incentives and premium recognitions
            ίܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌɨd׵މಂ12ࡈ˜ٙආࡌࣛݬ                      Under the CPD Scheme, practitioners who earned 12 or more CPD
            ʫ՟੻12ࡈא˸ɪܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌኪʱٙ੽ุࡰdਗ਼                      points in a 12-month CPD period are considered having achieved
            ᐏൖމ༺Ցܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌٙኪʱࠅӋdԨ̙ᐏ                       the CPD yearly attainment target and will be awarded the CPD
            ཯ܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌྗ஢ᆤ௝fৰϤʘ̮dܵ೐ɛ                       Attainment Symbol. Moreover, licensees who have achieved their
            ஹᚃɧࡈʿʞࡈආࡌࣛݬѩ༺Ցܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌ                       CPD attainment targets for three and five consecutive CPD periods
            ٙኪʱࠅӋd͵ਗ਼ʱйᐏ཯ܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌᎴ൳                       will also be awarded the Premium CPD Attainment Symbol — Silver
            ྗ஢ᆤ௝ვ௝€˜ვ௝™ʿܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌᎴ൳ྗ                     (“Silver Symbol”) and Premium CPD Attainment Symbol — Gold
            ஢ᆤ௝ږ௝€˜ږ௝™fვ௝ʿږ௝ٙ੻˴ਗ਼ᐏ཯೯                     (“Gold Symbol”) respectively. Awardees of Silver Symbol and Gold
            ɓࡈʃۨᆤ௝ʚ˸ԽᏖd˸ڌ౮Չኪ୦ɪٙਖ਼ءe                       Symbol will be presented with a small wearable badge as
            ාኧձрɢf                                       recognition of their commitment, diligence and learning efforts.

            ৰࡈɛܵ೐ɛึᐏ཯೯ܵᚃਖ਼ุආࡌࠇྌᎴ൳ྗ஢                       In addition to the Premium CPD Attainment Symbols which are
            ᆤ௝̮d߰ʊ͡ሗᐄุ༉ઋႭ׼ࣣٙήପ˾ଣਠ቗                       presented to individual licensees, holders of statement of particulars
            Ϟ80%א˸ɪٙܵ೐྇ࡰ༺Ց༈ࠇྌٙኪʱࠅӋd                      of business (“SPOB”) with over 80% of their licensed employees
            ͵̙ᐏ཯೯ήପ˾ଣਠ⧕ਖ਼ุආࡌྗ஢ᆤ௝f                         having achieved the yearly CPD attainment target will be presented
                                                         with the CPD Mark for Estate Agencies.

                                                                              The EAA will provide more high quality CPD
                                                                              courses with more options to help
                                                                              practitioners create business opportunities
                                                                              and carry out their work more effectively.

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