Page 103 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 103

ٝᗆᙺ፩ۃᓼ Forward Looking in Knowledge Instillation

            ุޢ๖ஷ                                         Trade communications
            ήପ˾ଣุޢ္݊၍҅৛Ӌήପ˾ଣ৷˥̻ੂุ˓                       The estate agency trade is a close partner with the EAA in pursuing
            جٙၡ੗ྫМfމəᐏ੻ุޢ˾ڌ࿁္၍҅ʈЪٙ                       a higher standard of trade practices. Maintaining a good rapport
            ଣ༆ʿ˕ܵd҅˙ၾ˼ࡁၪܵԄλᗫڷЇމࠠࠅf                       with trade representatives is essential to gaining their understanding
            ္၍҅׵2017/18ϋܓၾ˴ࠅุޢਠึ˾ڌᑘБə                    and support for the work of the EAA. The EAA hosted four liaison
            ̬ϣᑌഖึᙄd੽Ͼၾุޢڭ֛ܵಂ࿁༑ʿᕐΣ๖                       meetings with the representatives of major trade associations in
            ஷf္၍҅ίึɪᛓ՟əุޢ˾ڌఱ҅˙อᑘણה                       2017/18 as a regular dialogue and two-way exchange with the
            ೯ڌٙจԈf̤̮dึᙄৰəীሞՑᕐ˙ᗫːٙᙄ                       trade. Trade representatives’ views regarding the EAA’s new
            ᕚ̮d္၍҅͵ΣุޢᙕࠑəণᏝʕٙੂุஷѓࠅ                       initiatives were collected at these meetings. Moreover, issues of
            ᓃdԨᔾ૶ʿϽᅇəุޢఱྼ݄ઋرה౤̈ٙᗫ                        mutual concern were discussed and the trade was briefed on the
            ءfϋʫdִ݁ఱ͂Ꮨݹ፺ʿࢵ׈ʱɿ༟ږᘪණ                       salient points of the draft practice circulars. Their concerns on the
           €ږፄዚ࿴ૢԷ‘౤̈ٙࡌࠈЪ̈ፔ༔dϞᗫࡌ֛̍                      implementation were clarified and noted for further consideration.
            ܼࠅӋܼ̍ήପ˾ଣุίʫഃਞၾत֛ʹ׸ܸ֛ٙ                       During the year, the Government launched a consultation exercise
            ڢږፄБุʿਖ਼ุආБ܄˒းᔖᄲݟʿ௪πা፽f                       on a proposal to amend the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-
            މϤd္၍҅ၾִ݁ʿุޢڭܵၡ੗๖ஷdᜫุޢ                       Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance to require
            һə༆ִ݁ٙܔᙄdԨϗණ˼ࡁٙจԈfৰᑌഖึ                       designated non-financial businesses and professions, including the
            ᙄ̮d္၍҅͵ၾʔΝήਜٙܵ೐ɛᑘБၳೊʃଡ଼                       estate agency sector, engaged in specified transactions to conduct
            ึᙄdၾۃᇞ੽ุࡰڭٜܵܵ࿁༑fίึᙄʕd္                       customer due diligence and keep record. On this, the EAA kept
            ၍҅ᒗሗܵ೐ɛʱԮՉ༾ՑٙੂุਪᕚdவϞп္                       close communication with both the Government and the trade to
            ၍҅މุޢՓ֛Ϟࣖٙ݁ഄeܸˏձણ݄f͉ϋܓ                       facilitate the trade’s better understanding of the Government’s
            ҅˙ʱй׵઼ᅃʿɽࡼᑘБəՇࡈၳೊʃଡ଼ึᙄd                       proposal and collect their views. Apart from liaison meetings, focus
            Ԩ੻Ց͍ࠦΫᏐf                                     group meetings with licensees in various districts were organised to
                                                         maintain direct dialogue with frontline practitioners. At these
                                                         meetings, the EAA invited licensees to share practice issues they
                                                         encountered, which helped the EAA formulate practical policies,
                                                         guidelines and measures for the trade. In the reporting year, two
                                                         focus group meetings were held in Kai Tak and Tai Po respectively,
                                                         all with positive feedback.

                                                                                        The EAA hosted four liaison
                                                                                        meetings with the
                                                                                        representatives of major trade
                                                                                        associations in 2017/18 as a
                                                                                        regular dialogue and two-way
                                                                                        exchange with the trade.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      101
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