Page 102 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
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            Forward Looking in Knowledge Instillation

            ̤̮d္၍҅͵׵2017ϋ5˜̈وəɓ΅Τމڢ                     Furthermore, the EAA published a new consumer booklet titled
            ͉ήኪ͛ί࠰ಥॡ܊ܸی‘ٙอʃ̅ɿfʃ̅ɿႭ׼                      “Tenancy Guide for Non-local Students in Hong Kong” in May
            ə։ৄܵ೐ήପ˾ଣeᖦࠈήପ˾ଣ՘ᙄd˸ʿ፯                       2017. The booklet illustrated the important points about appointing
            ኿يุࣛცࠅءจٙࠠࠅԫධfʃ̅ɿணϞɧ၇Ⴇ                       a licensed estate agent, entering into an estate agency agreement
            Ԋو͉dܼ̍ᐿ᜗ʕ˖eᔊ᜗ʕ˖ձߵ˖وd˙ک                       and selecting a property. The booklet has three language versions
            ڢ͉ήኪ͛ቡᛘfʃ̅ɿ̙׵࠰ಥ΢הɽኪʿ္၍                       available, including traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and
            ҅፬ԫஈ॰՟f                                      English versions, for non-local students to read easily. Copies of the
                                                         booklet have been distributed to the universities in Hong Kong and
                                                         are also available for collection at the EAA office.

            ෂదᗫڷ                                         Media relations
            މəᜫʮ଺ձܵ΅٫һ̋ٝ઄္၍҅ٙʈЪd˸ʿ                       To improve public and stakeholders’ awareness of the work of the
            ၪܵ҅˙͍ٙࠦҖ൥d္၍҅ᘱᚃၾෂద̋੶ᑌ                        EAA and to maintain a positive image, the EAA continues to
            ᖩd೯̺Ϟᗫ҅˙ٙᑘણʿʈЪfϋʫd္၍҅΍                       strengthen the connection with the media to publicise its initiatives
            ೯̈ə11ᇐอၲᇃdᑘ፬əɧϣอၲ೯̺ึdѩᐏ                      and efforts. During the year, the EAA issued 11 press releases and
            ෂదᄿعజኬf္၍҅˴ࢩʿБ݁ᐼ൒͵ટաə˴                       held three press conferences which gained wide media coverage. A
            ࠅΙՏʿཥɿෂదΥ΍ɞϣਖ਼ஞfΝࣛd္၍҅ீ                       total of eight feature interviews were arranged with the EAA
            ཀᑘ፬ၾۃᇞা٫ึࠦٙʹ᎛ึʿ༵዇อϋၳึd                       Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in major print and electronic
            ၾෂదڭܵ੗ʲᑌᖩf                                   media. At the same time, by organising media luncheons and the
                                                         Chinese New Year gathering with frontline journalists, the EAA
                                                         maintained a cordial relationship with the media.

            މீཀɽ଺ద᜗ආɓӉપᄿၾऊ൬٫޴ᗫٙ༟ৃd                       To further promote consumer-related information through mass
            ္၍֛҅ಂίద᜗ਖ਼ᙷᅠᄳϞᗫيุʹ׸ʿήପ˾                       media channels, the EAA regularly contributes articles on current
            ଣ؂ਕٙ˖௝fί2017/18ϋܓd္၍҅ί̬΅జ                    topics relating to property transactions and expected services of
            ௝אၣ१ਖ਼ᙷΥ΍೯ڌə47ᇐ˖௝dʱй೯ڌ׵ߵ                     estate agents to the media. In 2017/18, the EAA contributed a total
            ˖ډజ‘e݋ࢥ˚జ‘ήପၣ१ʿᕏႦeڦజৌ຾                     of 47 articles to four print or online columns, namely, The Standard,
            อၲ‘ၣ१ʿʕږί㝬‘ၣ१f                              the property magazine and website of Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong
                                                         Economic Journal website, and the website of

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