Page 101 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 101

ٝᗆᙺ፩ۃᓼ Forward Looking in Knowledge Instillation

            ί2017ϋ9˜ʿ2018ϋ3˜d္၍҅ᑘ፬əՇࡈɽ                   In September 2017 and March 2018, the EAA organised two large-
            ۨʮක઺ԃᑺࢭfίՉʕɓࡈΤމ˜ҳ༟ڢИσgʹ                      scale public education seminars. One of the seminars was titled “Be
            ׸ਪၾഈ™ٙᑺࢭʕd္၍҅Σᝈ଺ʱԮڢИσي                       Smart in Non-residential Property Transactions” so as to share
            ุʹ׸ٙϞ͜൨ɻiϾί̤ɓࡈΤމ˜ऎ̮ໄุε                       useful tips on the transaction of non-residential properties with the
            ࠦ∰™ٙᑺࢭʕd҅˙ఱΣऊ൬٫ʱԮϞᗫ։ৄܵ                       audience; while the second seminar titled “Points to Note on
            ೐ήପ˾ଣᒅ൯࠰ಥྤ̮يุٙϞ͜༟ৃfՇఙᑺ                       Purchasing Properties Situated Outside Hong Kong”. It was aimed
            ࢭѩˀᏐᆠडf                                      at disseminating useful information for consumers when appointing
                                                         licensed estate agents to purchase properties situated outside Hong
                                                         Kong. Both seminars received an overwhelming response from the

                                                                                  In September 2017, the EAA organised
                                                                                  a large-scale public education seminar
                                                                                  titled “Be Smart in Non-residential
                                                                                  Property Transactions” so as to share
                                                                                  useful information on the transaction
                                                                                  of non-residential properties with the

            މ౤ʺʮ଺ˈՉϋჀɓ˾࿁ήପ˾ଣุٙə༆d္                       In order to enhance the understanding of “the estate agency trade
            ၍҅ᑘ፬əɓࡈฆཥᅂˢᒄdЪމ္၍҅20մϋٙ                      by the public, in particular the young generation, the EAA organised
            ࠠ᎘ݺਗʘɓfᔟ䋠வࡈ˸Ό˚Փਖ਼ɪ৫ࣧኪ͛މ                       a Micro Movie Competition as one of the highlighted events of the
            ˴ࠅ࿁൥ٙˢᒄd҅˙Ҏૐ̋ଉϋڡɛ࿁ήପ˾ଣ                       20  anniversary of the EAA. The competition, mainly targeting full
            ุٙə༆dԨપᄿุޢٙਖ਼ุҖ൥fਞᒄ٫ცࠅ੽                       time post-secondary students, aimed at building up young people’s
            ˸ɨɧࡈ˴ᕚʕܿ፯Չʕɓࡈ౤ʹשᙲࠇྌࣣd຅                       understanding of the industry and promoting the professional
            ʕܼ̍˜ໄุτ֢  Ό፠ϞЫ™e˜రҬ࿁ٙʕගɛ™                    image of the trade. Participants were required to submit their
            ʿ˜༐ڦgτ֢gήପ˾ଣ™fˢᒄഐ؈׵2017ϋ                     shooting proposals based on a choice of three themes, namely
            11˜2˚္၍҅ٙ20մϋᅅज़ৢึɪʮ̺f                        “Acquiring a Dream Home with Your Devotion”, “Finding the Right
                                                         Middleman” and “Integrity, Home, Estate Agents”. The results
                                                         were announced in the cocktail reception of the EAA’s 20
                                                         anniversary on 2 November 2017.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      99
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106