Page 78 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 78
Advance in Gatekeeping
ʔୌΥ೯ૢ Failure to Meet the Licensing Requirements
νɪ˖הࠑd͡ሗɛ̀ୌΥत֛೯ૢ˙ As mentioned above, a licence applicant must have fulfilled certain
̙ᐏ೯fࡊ္߰၍҅೯ତ͡ሗɛ͊ঐୌΥ requirements in order to be granted a licence. If the EAA finds that
О೯ૢd˼Ŋμٙ͡ሗਗ਼ึלഒfί a licence applicant has failed to meet any of the licensing
2017/18ϋܓd္၍҅לഒə121֚͡ሗdࡡΪ requirements, his/her licence application will be refused. In 2017/18,
ܼ̍͡ሗɛ͊ঐୌΥϞᗫٙኪዝࠅӋdאʔൖމ a total of 121 applications were refused for different reasons, such
ᐏҭഗeܵϞאᘱᚃܵϞٙቇɛ፯f as applicants not having the required educational qualifications or
not being considered “fit and proper” persons to be granted, hold
or continue to hold a licence.
уԴʊᐏ೯dࡊ߰ܵɛʔΎୌΥᘱᚃܵϞ Even if a licence has been granted, a licensee’s licence may be
ٙ༟ࣸdՉ͵̙ঐቖfϋʫd္၍҅ revoked if he/she is no longer eligible to continue to hold a licence.
։ࡰึቖə30ࡈdࡡΪ݊Ϟᗫܵɛʔ During the year, a total of 30 licences were revoked by the
ΎୌΥ೯ૢf Licensing Committee because the relevant licensees no longer met
the licensing requirements.
Actions Taken Against Licensees by the Licensing Committee
Бਗᗳй Types of Actions 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
ίɪڝ̋ૢ Attachment of conditions to licence 123 104 97
ᅲࣛΞቖ Suspension of licence 0 1 1
ቖ Revocation of licence 56 29 30
76 &45"5& "(&/54 "65)03*5: t Annual Report 2017/18