Page 78 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 78


            Advance in Gatekeeping

            ʔୌΥ೯೐ૢ΁                                      Failure to Meet the Licensing Requirements
            νɪ˖הࠑd೐๫͡ሗɛ̀඲ୌΥत֛೯೐ૢ΁˙                       As mentioned above, a licence applicant must have fulfilled certain
            ̙ᐏ೯೐๫fࡊ္߰၍҅೯ତ೐๫͡ሗɛ͊ঐୌΥ                       requirements in order to be granted a licence. If the EAA finds that
            ΂О೯೐ૢ΁d˼Ŋμٙ೐๫͡ሗਗ਼ึ஗לഒfί                       a licence applicant has failed to meet any of the licensing
            2017/18ϋܓd္၍҅לഒə121֚೐๫͡ሗdࡡΪ                  requirements, his/her licence application will be refused. In 2017/18,
            ܼ̍͡ሗɛ͊ঐୌΥϞᗫٙኪዝࠅӋdאʔ஗ൖމ                       a total of 121 applications were refused for different reasons, such
            ᐏҭഗeܵϞאᘱᚃܵϞ೐๫ٙ˜ቇ຅ɛ፯™f                        as applicants not having the required educational qualifications or
                                                         not being considered “fit and proper” persons to be granted, hold
                                                         or continue to hold a licence.

            уԴʊᐏ೯೐๫dࡊ߰ܵ೐ɛʔΎୌΥᘱᚃܵϞ೐                       Even if a licence has been granted, a licensee’s licence may be
            ๫ٙ༟ࣸdՉ೐๫͵̙ঐ஗࿞ቖfϋʫd္၍҅೐                       revoked if he/she is no longer eligible to continue to hold a licence.
            ๫։ࡰึ΍࿞ቖə30ࡈ೐๫dࡡΪ݊Ϟᗫܵ೐ɛʔ                      During the year, a total of 30 licences were revoked by the
            ΎୌΥ೯೐ૢ΁f                                     Licensing Committee because the relevant licensees no longer met
                                                         the licensing requirements.

            Actions Taken Against Licensees by the Licensing Committee

             Бਗᗳй Types of Actions                                      2015/16       2016/17        2017/18
             ί೐๫ɪڝ̋ૢ΁ Attachment of conditions to licence                   123           104             97

             ᅲࣛΞቖ೐๫ Suspension of licence                                     0             1              1
             ࿞ቖ೐๫ Revocation of licence                                      56            29             30

         76     &45"5& "(&/54 "65)03*5: t Annual Report 2017/18
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83