Page 79 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 79

౤ʺҪᗫણ݄ Advance in Gatekeeping

            ၣɪ೐๫ᚃಂ͡ሗ                                     Online Renewal of Licence Application
            ʊ׵္၍҅ၣ१ൗ̅ཥɿ؂ਕ੮˒ٙࡈɛܵ೐ɛd                       Individual licensees who have registered an e-service account at the
            ̙׵ၣɪ჈ʹᚃ೐͡ሗfϋʫd္၍҅ϗՑ28,193                    EAA’s website may submit their licence renewal applications online.
            ΅ࡈɛܵ೐ɛٙᚃ೐͡ሗdՉʕϞ22.6%€у6,367                  During the year, among the 28,193 renewal applications received
            ΅ᚃ೐͡ሗ຾ၣɪ჈ʹf                                 from individual licensees, 22.6% (i.e. 6,367 renewal applications)
                                                         were submitted online.

            ʫήၾ࠰ಥήପ˾ଣਖ਼ุ༟ࣸʝႩࠇྌ                            Scheme on Mutual Recognition of
                                                         Professional Qualifications of Estate Agents
                                                         in the Mainland and Hong Kong
            ͍νίϋజɪ˖הࠑdމપਗʫήၾ࠰ಥήପ˾ଣ                       As mentioned in the earlier part of this Report, with a view to
            ੽ุࡰٙਖ਼ุʹݴʿڮආՇήุޢٙڗჃ೯࢝d္                       boosting professional exchanges between estate agency
            ၍҅ʿʕ਷גήପПᄆࢪၾגήପ຾ߏɛኪึ€˜ʕ                      practitioners in the Mainland and Hong Kong and the long-term
            גኪ™׵2010ϋ11˜3˚ᖦࠈəɓ΅މಂ5ϋٙ՘                   development of the trade of both sides, the EAA and the China
            ᙄdໝྼʫήၾ࠰ಥήପ˾ଣਖ਼ุ༟ࣸʝႩࠇྌٙ                       Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and Agents (“CIREA”) signed a
            ਿ͉τરf࣬ኽ՘ᙄdίʞϋٙ՘ᙄಂʫdᕐ˙ʱ                       5-year agreement on 3 November 2010 to lay down the foundation
            йપᑥत֛ᅰᕘٙΥ༟ࣸήପ˾ଣdਞ̋͟࿁˙ਖ਼                       for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications of estate
            ژකணٙ੃৅ሙ೻ʿϽ༊fҁϓɪࠑሙ೻Ԩනлஷ                       agents in the Mainland and Hong Kong. Under the provisions of
            ཀϽ༊ܝdᐏપᑥɛɻ̙͡ሗʕגኪൗ̅ᗇࣣא္                       the agreement, both sides will each nominate a certain number of
            ၍҅೐๫f                                        qualified estate agents to participate in a specially-designed training
                                                         course and examination organised by the other party within the
                                                         5-year agreement period. Upon completion of the said course and
                                                         successfully passing the examination, the nominees could apply for
                                                         the CIREA registration certificate or the EAA licence.

            ᎇ䋠္၍҅ၾʕגኪ׵2017ϋ6˜ᖦࠈəਖ਼ุ༟ࣸ                     Following the signing of the renewal agreement for the mutual
            ʝႩٙᚃߒ՘ᙄܝdୋɚಂ੃৅ሙ೻ʿϽ༊ʊ׵                        recognition of professional qualifications between the EAA and the
            2017ϋ12˜7Ї8˚ίमऎᑘБdʱйϞ138Τ࠰                   CIREA in June 2017, the second training course and examination of
            ಥձ28Τʫή੽ุࡰਞၾfΌ௅166Τਞ̋٫ѩஷ                     the scheme were held from 7 to 8 December 2017 in Zhuhai with
            ཀϽ༊dΥ༟ࣸ׵2018ϋ͡ሗ࿁˙ٙਖ਼ุ༟ࣸf                      138 attendees from Hong Kong and 28 from the Mainland
                                                         respectively. All 166 participants passed the examination and were
                                                         eligible to apply for the qualification of the other party in 2018.

            ࿚Ї2018ϋ3˜31˚d123ΤಀਞၾʝႩࠇྌٙ࠰                   As at 31 March 2018, 123 Hong Kong estate agents held a
            ಥήପ˾ଣܵϞ͟ʕגኪҭ̈ٙ೮াᗇࣣiܵϞ͟                       registration certificate issued by the CIREA and 33 Mainland estate
            ္၍҅೯̈ٙ೐๫ٙʫήήପ˾ଣۆϞ33Τf                        agents held an estate agent’s licence issued by the EAA under the

            ္၍҅ਗ਼ఱɨɓಂ੃৅ሙ೻ʿϽ༊ٙτરᘱᚃၾʕ                       The EAA will continue to liaise with the CIREA for the arrangement
            גኪᑌᖩf                                        of the next round of nomination.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      77
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84