Page 44 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 44


            Corporate Governance

            ʮ̺ߏܛ޼ৃഐ؈                                     Publication of inquiry hearing results
            ္၍҅ߏܛ։ࡰึܲ๫ήପ˾ଣૢԷ‘ረʚٙᛆɢ                      To facilitate concerned parties to ascertain the results of the inquiry
            ΣϞᗫܵ೐ɛאۃܵ೐ɛٙߏܛԫ֝ආБߏܛ޼                        hearings conducted by the Disciplinary Committee of the EAA
            ৃfމ˙کϞᗫɛɻݟ઄޼ৃഐ؈d˸ʿ઺ԃήପ                       pursuant to powers under the EAO on disciplinary matters
            ˾ଣุޢʿʮ଺d္၍҅׵Չၣ१ɪʮ̺௰ڐՇϋ                       concerning licensees or ex-licensees, and to educate both the estate
            ٙߏܛ޼ৃഐ؈f                                     agency trade and the public, the EAA publishes inquiry hearing
                                                         results of the last two years on its website.

            ္၍҅͵׵ၣɪʮ̺޼ৃٙ൒Ӕଣ͟dவᅵʔఊঐ                       The EAA also publishes the reasons for disciplinary decisions on its
            ᆽڭ္၍҅ʈЪٙீ׼ܓd͵ঐᜫήପ˾ଣุޢһ                       website. Not only does it ensure the transparency of the EAA’s
            ə༆္၍҅ٙߏܛ൒Ӕdᜫ˼ࡁ࿁νО፭ςήପ˾                      work but also enables the estate agency trade to have a better
            ଣૢԷ‘౤Զᘒ൮ٙኪ୦௄ࢰd˸ಯЭ˚ܝϗՑᗳЧ                      understanding of the EAA’s disciplinary decisions and equips them
            ҳൡٙࠬᎈfڗჃԸႭdவධણ݄ਗ਼Ϟࣖή౤ʺุ                       with valuable learning on how to comply with the EAO and reduces
            ޢٙਖ਼ุ˥̻f                                      the risks of receiving similar complaints in future. In the long run, it
                                                         will make a substantial contribution to improving the professional
                                                         standard of the trade.

            ̤ɓ˙ࠦdʮ̺޼ৃ൒Ӕٙଣ͟ঐᜫऊ൬٫׼္ͣ                       On the other hand, the publication of the reasons for decisions
            ၍҅ٙ൒Ӕਿᓾd੽Ͼ˿˼ࡁίԴܵ͜೐ɛٙ؂ਕ                       provides a way for consumers to understand the EAA’s disciplinary
            ࣛঐЪ̈׼౽ٙ፯኿f                                   decisions, and enables them to make informed choices when
                                                         engaging the services of licensees.

            ዹͭՓፅણ݄                                       Independent Checks and Balances

            ̮௅ᄲࣨ                                         External audit
            ္၍҅ٙৌਕజڌ඲຾̮͟௅ࣨᅰࢪᄲࣨf2017/18                   The EAA’s financial statements are subject to audit by an external
            ৌ݁ϋܓdᅃා t ᗫර௓˙ึࠇࢪБᘱᚃᐏ։໌މ                     auditor. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu continued to be the EAA’s
            ္၍҅ٙࣨᅰࢪf                                     external auditor in the financial year of 2017/18.

            ̮௅ᄲࣨٙ˴ࠅͦٙ݊Σ໨ԫ҅౤ʹ္၍҅ϋܓৌ                       The main purpose of the external audit is to provide independent
            ਕజڌdяͪʮʪٙዹͭڭᗇf္၍҅։΂̮ٙ௅                       assurance to the Board that the annual financial statements of the
            ࣨᅰࢪ඲͟༶፩ʿג܊҅҅ڗҭࡘfϞᗫᅃා t ᗫ                     EAA are fairly stated. The appointment of the EAA’s external
            ර௓˙ึࠇࢪБٙዹͭࣨᅰࢪజѓʿৌਕజڌ༉༱                       auditor is subject to the approval of the Secretary for Transport and
            ׵ୋ104Ї134ࠫf                                  Housing. The Independent Auditor’s Report and Financial
                                                         Statements of 2017/18 audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu are
                                                         included in pages 104 to 134.

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