Page 43 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 43

ዚ࿴၍ط Corporate Governance

           ዚ࿴બᛆܸˏ‘                                      Corporate Authorisation Manual
            ္၍҅Փ֛əɓࢁዚ࿴બᛆܸˏ‘Ըၪܵ৷˥̻ٙ                      To maintain a high standard of accountability, a Corporate
            ਪப׌fהϞ္၍҅ϓࡰe੬ண։ࡰึeʈЪŊਖ਼                       Authorisation Manual was formulated for the EAA to provide
            பʃଡ଼ʿΌ᜗ࡰʈٙБމdѩ̀඲ୌΥܸˏٙၚग़                       corporate management authority guidelines. All members of the
            ʿͦٙd˸ʿᐏબᛆٙᔖᛆᇍఖf                              EAA, standing committees, work groups/panels and all staff must
                                                         act in compliance with the spirit and intent of the Manual and
                                                         within the scope of authorities therein conferred.

            ݟቡ༟ࣘ                                         Access to information
            މ˙کʮ଺՟੻Ϟᗫ္၍҅ٙ༟ࣘd္၍҅ʊ΂ն                       To facilitate the public to access information about the EAA, the
            ؂ਕᐼ္މʮක༟ࣘ˴΂dࠋபᆽڭ͉҅ܲ๫त֛                       EAA has designated the Director of Services as the Access to
            ೻ҏdѼഛஈଣʮ଺࣬ኽ္၍҅ٙʮක༟ࣘςۆ‘                      Information Officer who is responsible for ensuring that requests
            Ͼ౤̈ٙ༟ࣘݟቡࠅӋf                                  for access to information under the EAA’s Code on Access to
                                                         Information are properly dealt with in accordance with specific

            Summary of Applications for Access to Information

                   ϋܓ               ͡ሗᅰͦ               ͡ሗഐ؈                          ࠅӋ༟ࣘ

                   Year              No of            Application             Information Requested
                                 Applications          Outcome

                                                       Ό௅ટա                    ͡ሗ೐๫჈ʹٙࡈɛ༟ࣘ
                                                      All accepted               ሜݟձߏܛ޼ৃഐ؈
                  2017/18              2
                                                                       Personal Data submitted for licence application
                                                                          Investigation and inquiry hearing results

                                                         לഒ*                   ୋɧ٫೯̈ٙኪዝᆽႩՌ
                  2016/17              1               Declined*           Confirmation letter on an education
                                                                              record issued by a third party
                                                        ʔቇ͜                           ʔቇ͜
                  2015/16              0
                                                          N/A                          N/A

            *   ೌج՟੻ʮකϞᗫኪዝהცٙୋɧ٫Νจf                      *   Consent from the third party required for the release of the record could not be

            މ౤৷္၍҅ʈЪٙீ׼ܓd္၍҅ӊϋΣ༶፩ʿ                       To increase the transparency of the EAA’s work, the EAA furnishes
            ג܊҅҅ڗ౤ʹɓ΅ϋజdԨ౤яͭجึ޲ᚎfʮ                       an Annual Report to the Secretary for Transport and Housing,
            ଺̙׵္၍҅፬ԫஈʿၣ१ቡᚎϞᗫϋజf                          copies of which have to be laid before the Legislative Council and
                                                         are made available to the public at the EAA’s office and website.

            ္၍҅ீཀద᜗ݺਗeอၲᇃe܁ෂձʮ଺઺ԃݺ                       Members of the public are also kept abreast of the EAA’s work and
            ਗe္၍҅̊يʿၣ१ഃʔΝ๖ஷಬ༸dΣʮ଺೯                       initiatives through various communication channels, such as media
            ׳Ϟᗫ္၍҅ٙʈЪʿᑘણٙ༟ৃf                             events, press releases, publicity and public education activities, EAA
                                                         publications and its website.

                                                                                 ήପ˾ଣ္၍҅ t 2017 / 18 ϋజ      41
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