Page 41 - 地產代理監管局年報 2017/18 Estate Agents Authority Annual Report 2017/18
P. 41

ዚ࿴၍ط Corporate Governance

            ༐ڦၾʮ͍                                        Integrity and Impartiality

            ዁ςᅺ๟                                         Standard of conduct
            ္၍҅਺ς˸༐ڦeᘌ͍࿒ܓʿʮ̻މࡡۆdމʮ                       The EAA is fully committed to the principles of honesty, integrity
            ଺؂ਕf                                         and fair play in the delivery of its services to the public.

            ္၍҅݊ԣ˟༡༤ૢԷ‘ɨٙʮ΍ዚ࿴fί༈ૢԷ                      The EAA is a public body under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance.
            ɨdהϞ္၍҅໨ԫ҅ϓࡰʿࡰʈѩ஗ൖމ˜ʮᔖ                       All Board members and employees of the EAA are regarded as
            ɛࡰ™f                                         “public servants” for the purpose of that ordinance.

            Ъމ஝၍࠰ಥήପ˾ଣБุٙج֛ዚ࿴d္၍҅ߧ                       As a statutory body tasked with regulating the practice of the estate
            ɢၪܵ௰৷ሯ९ٙ؂ਕ˥̻ʿ༸ᅃᅺ๟f္၍҅ࠅ                       agency trade in Hong Kong, the EAA strives to maintain the highest
            ӋΌ᜗ࡰʈ٢ܵ৷˥̻ٙ؂ਕሯ९ʿ༸ᅃᅺ๟d˸                       possible level of quality service and ethical standards. To promote
            ڮආԨၪܵʮ଺ٙڦːf͉҅ࡰʈ̀඲፭ς͉҅ٙ                       and maintain public confidence, all EAA staff are required to have a
            Бމςۆd຅ʕ༉ΐəਿ͉Бމᅺ๟d଄ႊڭ੗e                       high standard of integrity and conduct. They are required to comply
            лूላ߉ʿлूϗաഃ˙ࠦf္၍҅ึΣӊЗɝᔖ                       with the Code of Conduct which sets out in detail the basic
            ࡰʈᑺ༆ϞᗫςۆdԨਗ਼޴ᗫ˖΁ɪ༱Ї္၍҅ʫ                       standards of conduct in different aspects, including confidentiality,
            ᑌၣԶࡰʈᎇࣛਞቡf                                   conflicts of interest and acceptance of advantages. All EAA staff are
                                                         briefed on the Code upon their commencement of duty at the EAA,
                                                         and may access the document easily at any time through the EAA’s

            Б݁ᐼ൒eᐼ္ձ຾ଣ€ܼ̍৷ॴ຾ଣٙᕎᔖܝఱ                      The post-employment sanitisation period for the CEO, Directors and
            ุࠢՓಂʱйމɓϋeʬࡈ˜ʿՇࡈ˜fΝࣛd̍                       Managers (including Senior Managers) are respectively one year, six
            ܼБ݁ᐼ൒ձᐼ္ίʫٙהϞࡰʈdѩʔ̙׵΂ᔖ                       months and two months. There is also a prohibition on all staff,
            ္၍҅ಂගʿᕎᔖܝՇࡈ˜ʫਞ̋ήପ˾ଣאᐄุ                       including the CEO and Directors, to take the estate agents or
            ࡰ༟ࣸϽ༊f                                       salespersons qualifying examinations during service and within two
                                                         months after service.

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